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张诗淮,江西上饶人。现任中国科学技术大学特任研究员,入选中国科金沙所有游戏网站百人计划青年项目、第九届中国科协青年托举项目。2019年博士毕业于北京科技大学土木工程系,后在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工金沙所有游戏网站和Bedretto深地实验室从事博士后研究。兼任欧洲高校联盟硕导、中国岩石力学与工程学会会员、国际岩石力学期刊Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering编辑和Rock Mechanics Bulletin首届青年编委等。研究方向主要聚焦岩石损伤演化与强度特性、地壳应力时空演化规律及原位测试表征三个方面,研究成果在瑞士Bedretto深地实验室、美国圣安地列斯(San Andreas)断层、美国Cajon Pass、Long Valley、Nevada Test Site及德国KTB等超深科学钻井、中国四川盆地页岩储层等项目中成功应用,部分成果作为学科新进展入选中国科协主编的《2020-2021岩石力学与岩石工程学科发展报告》、受到美国科学促进会(AAAS)举办的新闻平台专题报道等。近年来,主持和参与了中科大校级项目、蒙城地球物理国家野外科学观测研究站项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、瑞士国家科学基金项目、中石油勘探院国际合作项目等10余项课题。至今以第一或通讯作者在JGR-Solid Earth、RMRE、IJRMMS等地球物理和岩石力学领域顶级期刊发表14篇,授权专利5项,受邀撰写高教版《岩石力学》、《岩石力学物理试验与数值试验》等多本教材和专著。  


  2023.8  - 至今   中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站 特任研究员
  2023.1  - 2023.7 中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站 特任副研究员
  2019.4  - 2022.9 苏黎世联邦理工金沙所有游戏网站 地球科学系 博士后
  2013.8  - 2019.1 北京科技大学 土木工程 博士
  2009.9  - 2013.6 北京科技大学 土木工程 学士


  [1] Zhang, S., Ma, X., Br?ker, K., van Limborgh, R., Wenning, Q., Hertrich, M., & Giardini, D. Fault Zone Spatial Stress Variations in a Granitic Rock Mass: Revealed by Breakouts Within an Array of Boreholes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2023, 128(8): e2023JB026477.
  [2] Zhang, S., Ma, X., Zoback, M. (2023). Determination of the crustal friction and state of stress in deep boreholes using hydrologic indicators. Rock Mechanics Bulletin, 2023, 2(1): 100024.
  [3] Zhang, S., & Ma, X. How does in situ stress rotate within a fault zone? Insights from explicit modeling of the frictional, fractured rock mass. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 126(11): e2021JB022348.
  [4] Zhang, S., & Ma, X. Global frictional equilibrium via stochastic, local Coulomb frictional slips. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 126(7): e2020JB021404.
  [5] Zhang, S., Wu, S., Zhang, G., Guo, P., & Chu, C. (2020). Three-dimensional evolution of damage in sandstone Brazilian discs by the concurrent use of active and passive ultrasonic techniques. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15: 393-408.
  [6] Zhang, S., Wu, S., & Zhang, G. (2020). Strength and deformability of a low-porosity sandstone under true triaxial compression conditions. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 127: 104204.
  [7] Zhang, S., Wu, S., & Duan, K. Study on the deformation and strength characteristics of hard rock under true triaxial stress state using bonded-particle model. Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 112: 1-16.
  [8] Zhang, S., Wu, S., Chu, C., Guo, P., & Zhang, G. (2019). Acoustic emission associated with self-sustaining failure in low-porosity sandstone under uniaxial compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(7): 2067-2085.
  [9] Zhang, G., Wu, S., Guo, P., & Zhang, S*. (2023). Mechanical Deformation, Acoustic Emission Characteristics, and Microcrack Development in Porous Sandstone During the Brittle–Ductile Transition. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-22.
  [10] Wu, S., Zhang, S.*, & Zhang, G. Three-dimensional strength estimation of intact rocks using a modified Hoek-Brown criterion based on a new deviatoric function. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018, 107: 181-190.
  [11] Wu, S., Zhang, S.*, Guo, C., & Xiong, L. (2017). A generalized nonlinear failure criterion for frictional materials. Acta Geotechnica, 12, 1353-1371.
  [12] 张诗淮, 吴顺川, 陈子健. 低频动载应力波传播规律及颗粒流模拟方法研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(8): 1555-1568.

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