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何超,中国科学技术大学特任教授,博士生导师,入选国家高层次人才计划。主要从事行星大气化学、生命起源早期的化学进化,行星宜居环境和地外生命信号探测等研究。主持和参与多项美国宇航局(NASA)和美国自然科学基金(NSF)等研究项目(其中4项PI ,2项Co-I, 5项参与),在美国约翰霍普金斯大学设计搭建了世界上首个既可以模拟太阳系内行星大气化学又可模拟系外行星大气化学的实验装置(PHAZER),开展的具体研究包括:1、行星大气硫光化学实验,发现硫化氢的加入大大丰富了大气光化学反应,实验证实了潜在的含硫外星生命标志物可通过非生命的化学反应生成,在固体中发现了硫元素的富集并检测到包括氨基酸在内的2000多种含硫有机物;2、实现了系外行星大气化学的实验室模拟,实验结果已用于分析哈勃和韦伯望远镜的观测数据;3、全面鉴定了土卫六气溶胶的组分并创新性提出了土卫六大气中的固氮机理和气溶胶形成机制,发现土卫六低温条件下一氧化碳可以促进生命起源所需有机分子的产生。此外,还分析NASA Cassini-Huygens mission和Pioneer Venus mission返回的数据,并参与NASA探索土卫六的Dragonfly和探索金星的Davinci等行星探测任务上科学载荷仪器的设计和测试。已在Nature Astronomy、APJL、EPSL等国际主流行星科学期刊发表论文48篇,其中一作19篇、合作29篇,被引用1200多次,H因子24。研究成果广受关注,被Science Magazine,福布斯(Forbes)等多家媒体报道。多次担任NASA和NSF研究项目评审专家,受邀在国际天体化学大会、美国化学学会年会、天体生物学大会、美国行星科学年会等国际会议做专题报告。



2023.9 - 今 中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站 特任教授
2014.6 - 2023.9 约翰霍普金斯大学 地球与行星科学系 Blaustein学者/助理研究员/副研究员
2012.5 - 2014.6 休斯顿大学 化学系/地球与大气科学系 博士后
2010.10 - 2012.5 亚利桑那大学 化学与生物化学系/月球与行星实验室 博士后
2005.9 - 2010.7 吉林大学 无机化学 博士
2001.9 - 2005.7 吉林大学 材料化学 学士


2023.10-2026.9 国家高层次人才计划 主持 “行星大气化学的实验室模拟” 
2022.9-2025.8 美国自然科学基金(NSF)研究项目 主持 “Graphite Haze Formation in sub-Neptune Atmospheres within the Graphite-stability Regime”
2022.9-2023.8 约翰霍普金斯大学(HEMI grant) 主持 “Spectral signature of prebiotic molecules in Titan’s surface materials”
2022.9-2023.8 约翰霍普金斯大学(Space@Hopkins grant) 主持 “Electrification of Titan Sand Materials”
2019.1-2023.12 美国宇航局(NASA) 研究项目 主持 “Laboratory Exploration of Hazes in the Atmospheres of the Rocky Planets around M-dwarfs”
2022.3-2025.2 美国宇航局(NASA) 研究项目 共同主持(Co-PI) “Comparing the material properties of Titan aerosols and laboratory-made aerosol analogs”
2021.3-2024.2 美国宇航局(NASA) 研究项目 参与(Co-I) “Understanding Surface Material on Titan”


2019年秋,约翰霍普金斯大学,开设《Astrobiology: Chemical Evolution of Life on Earth and Beyond》
2019年春,约翰霍普金斯大学《Planet Atmospheres》客座讲师
2018年秋,约翰霍普金斯大学《Planets, Life and the Universe》客座讲师
2017年秋,约翰霍普金斯大学《Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols》客座讲师


2016-2023 约翰霍普金斯大学 博士研究生(和Sarah Horst共同指导) Michael Radke: “Mass Spectrometry of the Atmosphere of Venus”  
2016-2021 约翰霍普金斯大学 博士研究生(和Sarah Horst共同指导) Sarah Moran:“In Search of Clearer Skies? Linking Planetary Aerosols from the Laboratory to Models”
2015-2021 约翰霍普金斯大学 博士研究生(和Sarah Horst共同指导) Joseph Serigano:“Compositional Measurements of Saturn’s Upper Atmosphere and Rings from Cassini INMS”
2014-2019 约翰霍普金斯大学 博士研究生(和Sarah Horst共同指导) Xinting Yu:“Dune Formation and Sand Transportation on Titan”
2016-2018 约翰霍普金斯大学 硕士研究生(和Sarah Horst共同指导) Bryne Hadnott:“Characterization and detection of hydrolyzed Titan tholins for Dragonfly”
2010-2012 亚利桑那大学 博士研究生(和Mark Smith共同指导) Bing Yuan:“Variable Temperature Rate Studies: Measured with a Coaxial Molecular Beam Radio Frequency Ring Electrode Ion Trap”  


2023.7 国际天体化学大会(2023 Kavli-IAU Astrochemistry Symposium)
2022.3 中国科学技术大学,地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站
2021.4 美国化学会年会(ACS Spring 2021 National Meeting & Expo)  
2021.1 美国自然历史博物馆前沿讲座(Panelist)
2020.12 MIT天体生物学讨论(Astrochemistry discussion)


全部文章见ORCID (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6694-0965) 或者


49. Chao He*, Michael Radke, Sarah E Moran, Sarah M H?rst, Nikole K Lewis, Julianne I Moses, Mark S Marley, Natasha E Batalha, Eliza M-R Kempton, Caroline V Morley, Jeff A Valenti, Veronique Vuitton, Optical Properties of Organic Hazes in Water-rich Exoplanet Atmospheres: Implications for Observations with JWST, Nature Astronomy, 2023, in press. 

48. Ben K.D. Pearce, Sarah M. H?rst, Joshua A. Sebree, Chao He*, Organic hazes as a source of life’s building blocks to warm little ponds on the Hadean Earth, 2023, submitted.  

47. Cédric Wolters, Veronique Vuitton, Fran?ois-Régis Orthous-Daunay, Laurène Flandinet, Chao He, Sarah E Moran, Sarah M H?rst, Molecular screening with liquid chromatography coupled to very high-resolution mass spectrometry: Chromatographic methods and data treatment for application to complex organic matter in astrophysical materials, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2023, 7 (9), 1661-1674.

46. Chao He*, Joseph Serigano, Sarah M. H?rst, Michael Radke, Titan Atmospheric Chemistry Revealed by N2-CH4Plasma Discharge Experiments, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2022, 6(10), 2295-2304. 

45. Ben K.D. Pearce, Chao He, Sarah M. H?rst, An experimental and theoretical investigation of HCN production in the Hadean Earth atmosphere, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2022, 6(10), 2385-2399.

44. Joseph Serigano,    Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Thomas Gautier, RV Yelle, TT Koskinen, MG Trainer, Michael Radke, Compositional Measurements of Saturn's Upper Atmosphere and Rings from Cassini INMS: An Extended Analysis of Measurements from Cassini's Grand Finale Orbits, JGR: Planets, 2022, 127, e2022JE007238.

43. Francesco Comola, Jasper Kok, Juan Lora, Kaylie Cohanim, Xinting Yu, Chao He, Patty McGuiggan, Sarah H?rst, Francis Turney. Titan’s prevailing circulation might drive highly intermittent, yet significant sediment transport, Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49(7), e2022GL097913.

42. Chao He*, Sarah M. Horst, Michael Radke, Marcella Yant, Optical Constants of Titan Haze Analogue from 0.4 to 3.5 μm Determined Using Vacuum Spectroscopy, The Planetary Science Journal, 2022, 3, 25.

41. Sarah E. Moran, Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Michael J Radke, Joshua A Sebree, Noam R Izenberg, Véronique Vuitton, Laurène Flandinet, Fran?oisRégis OrthousDaunay, Cédric Wolters, Triton Haze Analogues: the Role of Carbon Monoxide in Haze Formation, JGR: Planets, 2022, e2021JE006984.

40. Jialin Li, Xinting Yu, Ella Sciamma-O’Brien, Chao He, Joshua A Sebree, Farid Salama, Sarah M H?rst, Xi Zhang, A Cross-laboratory Comparison Study of Titan Haze Analogs: Surface Energy, The Planetary Science Journal, 2022, 3, 2. 

39. Xinting Yu, Chao He, Xi Zhang, Sarah M. H?rst, et al., Haze evolution in temperate exoplanet atmospheres through surface energy measurements, Nature Astronomy, 2021, 5(8), 822-831

38. Veronique Vuitton, Sarah E Moran, Chao He, Cédric Wolters, Laurène Flandinet, Fran?ois-Régis Orthous-Daunay, Sarah M. HorstH2SO4 and organosulfur compounds in laboratory analogue aerosols of warm high metallicity exoplanet atmospheres, The Planetary Science Journal, 2021, 2, 2. 

37. Xinting Yu, Sarah M. Horst, Chao He, Patricia McGuiggan, Kai Kristiansen, Xi Zhang, Surface Energy of the Titan Aerosol Analog ‘Tholin’, The Astrophysical Journal, 2020, 905, 88. 

36. Chao He*, Sarah M. Horst, Nikole K. Lewis, Xinting Yu, Julianne I. Moses, Eliza M-R Kempton, Mark S. Marley, Patricia McGuiggan, Caroline V. Morley, Jeff A. Valenti, Veronique Vuitton, Haze Formation in Warm H2-rich Exoplanet Atmospheres, The Planetary Science Journal, 2020, 1, 51. 

35. Joseph Serigano,    Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Thomas Gautier, RV Yelle, TT Koskinen, MG Trainer Compositional Measurements of Saturn’s Upper Atmosphere and Rings from Cassini INMS, JGR: Planets, 2020, e2020JE006427.

34. Sarah E Moran, Sarah M H?rst, Véronique Vuitton, Chao He, Nikole K Lewis, Laurène Flandinet, Julianne I Moses, Nicole North, Fran?ois-Régis Orthous-Daunay, Joshua Sebree, Cédric Wolters, Eliza M-R Kempton, Mark S Marley, Caroline V Morley, Jeff A Valenti, Chemistry of Temperate Super-Earth and Mini-Neptune Atmospheric Hazes from Laboratory Experiments, The Planetary Science Journal, 2020, 1, 17.

33. Chao He*, Sarah M. H?rst, Nikole K. Lewis, Xinting Yu, Julianne I. Moses, Patricia McGuiggan, Mark S. Marley, Eliza M-R Kempton, Sarah E. Moran, Caroline V. Morley, Veronique VuittonSulfur-driven haze formation in warm CO2-rich exoplanet atmospheres, Nature Astronomy, 2020, 4, 986–993.

32. Xinting Yu, Sarah M H?rst, Chao He, Patricia McGuiggan, Single particle triboelectrification of Titan sand analogs, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 530, 115996. 

31. Cédric Wolters, Laurène Flandinet, Chao He, Junko Isa, Fran?ois-Régis Orthous-Daunay, Roland Thissen, Sarah H?rst, Véronique Vuitton, Enhancing data acquisition for the analysis of complex organic matter in direct infusion Orbitrap mass spectrometry using microscans, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2020, 34 (15), e8818.

30. Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Melissa S. Ugelow, et al., O2 laboratory atmosphere simulation experiments, VizieR Online Data Catalog, 2019, 185.

29. Chao He*, Sarah M. H?rst, Nikole K. Lewis, Julianne I. Moses, Eliza M.-R. Kempton, Mark S. Marley, Caroline V. Morley, Jeff A. Valenti, & Véronique Vuitton, Gas Phase Chemistry of Cool Exoplanet Atmospheres: Insight from Laboratory Simulations, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2019, 3, 39–50.

28. Jason J. Benkoski, William L. Luedeman, John O. Teehan, Sarah M. Ho?rst, Chao He, Ralph D. Lorenz, Experimental Investigation of Surface Adhesion of Titan Analog Materials: Mitigation by Dust-Repellent Coatings, Planetary and Space Science, 2019, 179, 104721. 

27. Xinting Yu, Sarah M H?rst, Chao He, Patricia McGuiggan, Bryan Crawford, Where does Titan Sand Come From: Insight from Mechanical Properties of Titan Sand Candidates, JGR Planets, 2018, 123, 23102321. 

26. Joshua A. Sebree, Madeline Roach, Emma R. Shipley, Chao He, Sarah M. H?rst, Detection of prebiotic molecules in plasma and photochemical aerosol analogs using GC/MS/MS techniques, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 865, 133.  

25. Chao He*, Sarah M. Horst, Nikole K. Lewis, Xinting Yu, Julianne I. Moses, Eliza M-R Kempton, Mark S. Marley, Patricia McGuiggan, Caroline V. Morley, Jeff A. Valenti, Veronique VuittonPhotochemical Haze Formation in the Atmospheres of Super-Earths and Mini-Neptunes, The Astronomical Journal 2018, 156, 38. 

24. Chao He*, Sarah M. Horst, Nikole K. Lewis, Xinting Yu, Julianne I. Moses, Eliza M-R Kempton, Patricia McGuiggan, Caroline V. Morley, Jeff A. Valenti, Veronique VuittonLaboratory Simulations of Haze Formation in the Atmospheres of Super-Earths and Mini-Neptunes: Particle Color and Size Distribution, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 2018, 856, L3. 

23. Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Melissa S. Ugelow, et al., Exploring the Atmosphere of Neoproterozoic Earth: The Effect of O2 on Haze Formation and Composition, The Astrophysical Journal 2018, 858, 119.

22Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Nikole K. Lewis, et al., Haze Production in the Atmospheres of super-Earths and mini-Neptunes: Insights from the Lab, Nature Astronomy, 2018, 2, 303.

21. Xinting Yu, Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Patricia McGuiggan and Nathan T. Bridges, Direct Measurement of Interparticle Forces of Titan Aerosol Analogs (‘Tholin’) Using Atomic Force Microscopy, JGR Planets, 2017, 122, 12, 2610-2622.

20Chao He*, Sarah M. H?rst, Sydney Riemer, Joshua A. Sebree, Nicholas Pauley and Véronique Vuitton, Carbon Monoxide Affecting Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 2017, 841, L31.

19. Xinting Yu, Sarah M. H?rst, Chao He, Nathan T. Bridges, Devon Burr, Joshua A. Sebree and James K. Smith, The Effect of Adsorbed Liquid and Material Density on Saltation Threshold: Insight from Laboratory and Wind Tunnel Experiments. Icarus 2017, 297, 97–109. 

18. Chao He* and Mark A. Smith, NMR study of potential compositions in Titan’s lakes, Planetary and Space Science 2015, 110/111, 149–153.

17. Chao He* and Mark A. Smith, A comprehensive NMR structural study of Titan aerosol analogs: Implications for Titan’s atmospheric chemistry, Icarus 2014, 243, 31–38.

16. Chao He* and Mark A. Smith, Identification of Aminoacetonitrile and adenine in Titan Aerosols Analogs: Implication for Prebiotic Chemistry on Titan and Early Earth, Icarus, 2014, 238, 86–92.

15. Morgan L. Cable, Sarah M. H?rst, Chao. He, A. M. Stockton, M. F. Mora, M. A. Tolbert, M. A. Smith and P. A. Willis, Identification of Primary Amines in Titan Tholins using Nonaqueous Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2014, 402, 99–107. 

14. Chao He* and Mark A. Smith, Solubility and Stability Investigation of Titan Aerosol Analogs: New Insight from NMR Analysis, Icarus, 2014, 232, 54–59.

13. Ziwei Liu, Ge Tian, Shiyao Zhu, Chao He, Huijuan Yue and Shouhua Feng*, Ready hydrothermal reactions from carbon dioxide to methane, ACS Sustainable chemistry & Engineering 2013,1 (3) 313–315

12. Chao He* and Mark A. Smith, Identification of nitrogenous organic species in Titan aerosols analogs: Nitrogen fixation route in early atmospheres. Icarus, 2013, 226, 33–40. 

11. Chao He*, Guangxin Lin and Mark A. Smith, NMR identification of hexamethylenetetramine and its precursor in Titan tholins: Implications for Titan prebiotic chemistry, Icarus, 2012, 220, 627–634.

10. Chao He, Guangxin Lin, Kathleen T. Upton, Hiroshi Imanaka and Mark A. Smith*, Structural investigation of Titan tholins by solution-state 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR: one-dimensional and decoupling experiments, J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 47604767.

9. Chao He, Guangxin Lin, Kathleen T. Upton, Hiroshi Imanaka and Mark A. Smith*, Structural investigation of HCN polymer isotopomers by solution-state multidimensional NMR, J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116 (19), 4751–4759. 

8. Chao He, Bin Hu, Ziwei Liu, Yu Wang, Bohui Lv, Hongming Yuan, Ge Tian* and Shouhua Feng, Some heterocyclic compound formation under hydrothermal conditions: implications for prebiotic chemistry, Heterocycl. Commun., 2012, 18(1), 7–10.    

7. Ge Tian, Chao He, Yan Chen, Hongming Yuan, Ziwei Liu, Zhan Shi and Shouhua Feng*, Hydrothermal Reactions from Carbon Dioxide to Phenol, Chemsuschem. 2010, 3(3), 323–324.

6. Gull Maheen, Ge Tian, Zhiguang Song, Chao He, Zhan Shi, Ziwei Liu, Hongming Yuan, Shouhua Feng*, A Novel Synthetic Route to Synthesize 2,4,8,10-Tetraoxaspiro[5.5]-Undecane from Formaldehyde under Hydrothermal Conditions, J. Heterocyclic Chem. 2010, 47(2), 483–485.

5. Chao He, Ge Tian, Ziwei Liu and Shouhua Feng*, A mild hydrothermal route to fix carbon dioxide to simple carboxylic acids, Organic Letters 2010, 12(4), 649–651.

4. Gull Maheen, Ge Tian, Yingwu Wang, Chao He, Zhan Shi, Hongming Yuan and Shouhua Feng*, Resolving the Enigma of Prebiotic C-O-P Bond Formation: Prebiotic Hydrothermal Synthesis of Important Biological Phosphate Esters, Heteroatom Chemistry 2010, 21(3), 161–167.

3. Shouhua Feng*, Ge Tian, Chao He, Hongming Yuan, Hydrothermal Biochemistry, Jilin Normal University Journal (Natural Science Edition), 2009, 4.

2. Shouhua Feng*, Ge Tian, Chao He, Hongming Yuan, Ying Mu, Yingwu Wang and Ling Wang, Hydrothermal biochemistry: from formaldehyde to oligopeptides, Journal of Material Science 2008, 43, 2418–2425.

1. Ge Tian, Hongming Yuan, Ying Mu, Chao He, and Shouhua Feng*, Hydrothermal reactions from sodium hydrogen carbonate to phenol, Organic Letters 2007, 9(10), 2019–2021.

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