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报告地点:腾讯会议 833-551-713

报告时间:2023-06-19 从 14:00 到 15:30



沈奕,博士生导师,教授。2017年于美国斯坦福大学获得硕士和博士学位,2017-2022年在壳牌石油公司(美国休斯顿)地球物理研发部门从事研发工作,2022年入选国家高层次海外人才计划,以及获得中国石油大学(华东)“光华学者”荣誉称号,担任中国石油大学(华东)教授。现担任国际期刊杂志《Lithosphere》主编,国际地球物理勘探会议IMAGE/SEG委员会成员,International Petroleum Technology Conference(IPTC)委员会成员,先后成为IMAGE/SEG全波形反演板块和学生科研板块负责人,多次担任国际会议分会主持,并担任斯坦福大学本科入学面试官。致力于地震探勘方法技术的创新与应用,能源清洁低碳技术的研发,以及地球物理学在机械工程与土木工程等工程学科的结合与延拓。以第一作者身份在国际著名期刊和会议上发表文章近20篇,在重大国际学术会议做专题报告以及受邀报告10多次,并在国际地球物理勘探会议SEG获得最佳文章奖之一。

报告题目:Wave-equation migration analysis and full waveform inversion with their applications to oil/gas exploration and medical imaging


In this presentation, we will explore two advanced seismic inversion techniques for estimating subsurface elastic properties: wave-equation migration analysis and full waveform inversion. The talk will begin with a review of the tomography-based inversion scheme for estimating seismic velocity and Q models, followed by their applications in deep water oil fields. Next, we will introduce full waveform inversion, including its principles, advantages, and limitations, as well as numerical examples on synthetic models. Finally, we will discuss its applications in medical brain imaging.

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