本人近些年主要从事第一性原理计算与地球物理、地球化学交叉科学研究,利用第一性原理计算研究行星组成物质的物理化学性质,结合地球物理和地球化学观测,探究行星起源演化和内部动力学过程。已有研究工作主要包括:1)构建高温高压矿物弹性数据库,结合地震学观测限定地幔过渡带含水量;2)发现地球内核富水且处于 “超离子态”;3)发现俯冲洋壳和早期岩浆海残留物可能是下地幔不同尺度的异常体的来源;4)发展计算矿物间、流体/熔体间同位素平衡分馏系数的方法,限定核幔分异过程中硅酸盐-金属熔体之间的同位素分馏系数,并结合观测数据制约地球早期挥发和晚期增生过程。相关研究成果以第一或通讯作者发表于 Nature Geoscience、Nature Communications、Science Advances、The Innovation、Earth-Science Reviews、EPSL、GCA、GPL、GRL、JGR等国际主流期刊。
现阶段以及今后的主要工作是利用第一性原理计算(+机器学习)研究行星内部物质的物理化学性质和行星演化过程中同位素分馏效应,并进一步结合观测数据探索行星内部结构、物质组成、动力学过程和起源演化。 希望能和广大同行进行深度交流和合作,欢迎感兴趣的本科生和研究生随时联系。
#第一作者 *通讯作者
42. W. Wang#*, M. Walter, J. Brodholt, S. Huang, M.I. Petaev, 2023. Chalcogen isotopes reveal limited volatile contribution from late veneer to Earth, Science Advances, accepted.
41. B. Zhang#, S. Ni*, W. Wu, Z. Shen, W. Wang, D. Sun, Z. Wu, 2023. Small-scale layered structures at the inner core boundary, Nature Communications, 14, 6362.
40. H. Liu#, W. Leng*, W. Wang, Y. Zheng, 2023. Deciphering the deep Earth heterogeneities from the temperature fluctuation of mantle plumes, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 618, 118275.
39. X. Deng#, Y. Xu, S. Hao, Y. Ruan, Y. Zhao, W. Wang, S. Ni, Z. Wu*, 2023.Compositional and thermal state of the lower mantle from joint 3D inversion with seismic tomography and mineral elasticity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,120, 26, e2220178120.
38. B. Chen#, W. Wang, Z. Wu*, X. Wu*, 2023. First-principles investigation on diffusion in stishovite and CaCl2-type silica: Implication for MORB viscosity in the lower mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 615,118198.
37. J. Song#, W. Qian, S. Hao, W. Wang, D. Sun, Z. Wu*, 2023. Elasticity of high-pressure clinoenstatite under mantle conditions: Implications for the origin of the X-discontinuity, Science China Earth Sciences, 66, 6, 718-729.
36. W. Wang#*, Z. Wu, S. Huang, F. Huang, 2023. First-principles investigation of equilibrium magnesium isotope fractionation among mantle minerals: Review and new data, Earth-Science Reviews, 237, 104315.
35. W. Wang#*, Z. Wu, 2022. A first-principles study of water in wadsleyite and ringwoodite: Implication for the 520 km discontinuity, American Mineralogist 107 (7), 1361-1368.
34. Y. Zhao, Z. Wu*, S. Hao, W. Wang, X. Deng, J. Song, 2022. Elastic properties of Fe-bearing Akimotoite at mantle conditions: Implications for composition and temperature in lower mantle transition zone, Fundam. Res. 2, 570–577.
33. Y. Li, Z. Wu*, S. Huang, W. Wang, 2022. Pressure and concentration effects on intermineral calcium isotope fractionation involving garnet, Chemical Geology, 591, 120722.
32. W. Wang#*, C. Li*, J. Brodholt, S. Huang, M. Walter, M. Li, Z. Wu., F. Huang, S. Wang., 2021. Sulfur isotopic signature of Earth established by planetesimal volatile evaporation, Nature Geoscience, 14 (11), 806-811, 2021.
31. Y. Li*, S. He, R. Zhang, X. Bi, L. Feng, G. Tang, W. Wang, F. Huang, X. Li., 2021. Cassiterite oxygen isotopes in magmatic-hydrothermal systems: in situ microanalysis, fractionation factor, and applications, Mineralium Deposita, 1-9.
30. C. Luo, X. Deng, W. Wang, G. Shukla, Z. Wu, R. Wentzcovitch*, 2021. cij: A Python code for quasiharmonic thermoelasticity, Computer Physics Communications, 267, 108067.
29. W. Wang#*, Y. Li, J. Brodholt, L. Vocadlo, M. Walter, Z. Wu., 2021. Strong shear softening induced by superionic hydrogen in Earth’s inner core, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 568, 117014.
28. W. Wang#*, O. Tschauner, S. Huang, Z. Wu, Y. Meng, H. Bechtel, H. Mao, 2021. Coupled deep-mantle carbon-water cycle: Evidence from lower-mantle diamonds, The Innovation 2 (2), 100117.
27. W. Wang#*, J. Liu*, F. Zhu, M. Li, S.M. Dorfman, J. Li, Z. Wu*, 2021. Formation of large low shear velocity provinces through the decomposition of oxidized mantle, Nature Communications 12, 1911.
26. W. Wang#*, J. Liu*, H. Yang, S.M. Dorfman, M. Lv, J. Li, F. Zhu, J. Zhao, M.Y. Hu, W. Bi, E.E. Alp, Y. Xiao, Z. Wu, J.F. Lin, 2021. Iron Force Constants of Bridgmanite at High Pressure: Implications for Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Deep Mantle, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 269, 215–231.
25. S.J. Wang#*, W. Wang#, J.M. Zhu, Z. Wu, J. Liu, G. Han, F.Z. Teng, S. Huang, H. Wu, Y. Wang, G. Wu, W. Li, 2020. Nickel isotopic evidence for late-stage accretion of Mercury-like differentiated planetary embryos, Nature Communications 12, 294.
24. W. Wang#*, Z. Zhang, J. Brodholt, Z. Wu, 2020. Elasticity of hydrous ringwoodite at mantle conditions: Implication for water distribution in the lowermost mantle transition zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 554, 116626.
23. W. Wang#*, F. Huang, Z. Wu, 2020. Equilibrium barium isotope fractionation between minerals and aqueous solution from first-principles calculations, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 292, 64-77.
22. X. Chen*, W. Wang, Z. Zhang, N. Nie, N. Dauphas, 2020. Evidence from Ab Initio and Transport Modeling for Diffusion-Driven Zirconium Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Rocks, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4, 9, 1572–1595.
21. W. Wang#*, Y. Xu#, D. Sun, S. Ni, Z. Wu*, R. Wentzcovitch, 2020. Velocity and density characteristics of subducted oceanic crust and the origin of seismic heterogeneity in the lower mantle, Nature Communications, 11, 64.
20. S. Hao, W. Wang, W. Qian, Z. Wu*, 2019. Elasticity of akimotoite under the mantle conditions: Implications for multiple discontinuities and seismic anisotropies at the depth of~ 600–750 km in subduction zones, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 528, 115830.
19. Y. Li, W. Wang, C. Zhou, F. Huang*, 2019. First-principles calculations of equilibrium silicon isotope fractionation in metamorphic silicate minerals, Solid Earth Sciences, 4, 4, 142-149.
18. W. Wang#*, S. Huang, F. Huang, X. Zhao, Z. Wu*, 2019. Equilibrium inter-mineral titanium isotope fractionation: Implication for high-temperature titanium isotope geochemistry, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 269, 540-553.
17. L. Duan, W. Wang*, Z. Wu*, W. Qian, 2019. Thermodynamic and elastic properties of grossular at high pressures and high temperatures: A first-principles study, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 124, 7792–7805.
16. Y. Li#, W. Wang#, Z. Wu, S. Huang, 2019. First-principles investigation of equilibrium K isotope fractionation among K-bearing minerals, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 264, 30-42.
15. X. Ding*, E. Ripley, W. Wang, C. Li, F. Huang, 2019. Iron isotopic fractionation during sulfide liquid segregation and crystallization at the Lengshuiqing Ni-Cu magmatic sulfide deposit, SW China, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 261, 327-341.
14. W. Wang#, M. J. Walter, Y. Peng, S. Redfern, Z. Wu*, 2019. Constraining olivine abundance and water content of the mantle at the 410-km discontinuity from the elasticity of olivine and wadsleyite, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 519, 1-11.
13. J. Liu#*, W. Wang#*, H. Yang, Z. Wu, M.Y. Hu, J. Zhao, W. Bi, E.E. Alp, N. Dauphas, W. Liang, B. Chen, J.-F. Lin, 2019. Carbon isotopic signatures of diamond formation mediated by iron redox chemistry, Geochem. Persp. Let. 10, 51–55.
12. F. Huang*, C. Zhou, W. Wang, Kang, J., Wu, Z.*, 2019. First-principles calculations of equilibrium Ca isotope fractionation: implications for oldhamite formation and evolution of lunar magma ocean, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 510, 153-160.
11. W. Wang#, C. Zhou, Y. Liu, Z. Wu.*, F. Huang*, 2019. Equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation among aqueous Mg2+, carbonates, brucite and lizardite: Insights from first-principles molecular dynamics simulations, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 250, 117-129.
10. Y. Li#, W. Wang#, S. Huang, K. Wang, Z. Wu*, 2019. First-principles investigation of the concentration effect on equilibrium fractionation of K isotopes in feldspars. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 245, 374-384.
9. F. Zou, Z. Wu*, W. Wang, R. M. Wentzcovitch, 2018. An Extended Semianalytical Approach for Thermoelasticity of Monoclinic Crystals: Application to Diopside. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 123, 7629–7643.
8. H. Liu, W. Wang, X. Jia, W. Leng*, Z. Wu, D. Sun, 2018. The combined effects of post-spinel and post-garnet phase transitions on mantle plume dynamics. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 496, 80–88.
7. W. Wang#, Z. Wu*, 2018. Elasticity of Corundum at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Pyrope Decomposition and Al-Content Effect on Elastic Properties of Bridgmanite. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 123, 1201–1216.
6. W. Qian#, W. Wang#, F. Zou, Z. Wu*, 2018. Elasticity of Orthoenstatite at High Pressure and Temperature: Implications for the Origin of Low VP/VS Zones in the Mantle Wedge. Geophys. Res. Lett. 45, 665–673.
5. J. Liu, Q. Hu, D. Y. Kim, Z. Wu, W. Wang, Y. Xiao, P. Chow, Y. Meng, V.B. Prakapenka, H.-K. Mao*, W.L. Mao*, 2017. Hydrogen-bearing iron peroxide and the origin of ultralow-velocity zones. Nature 551, 494–497.
4. W. Wang#, C. Zhou, T. Qin, J. Kang, S. Huang, Z. Wu*, F. Huang*, 2017. Effect of Ca content on equilibrium Ca isotope fractionation between orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 219, 44–56.
3. W. Wang#, T. Qin, C. Zhou, S. Huang, Z. Wu*, F. Huang*, 2017. Concentration effect on equilibrium fractionation of Mg-Ca isotopes in carbonate minerals: Insights from first-principles calculations. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 208, 185–197.
2. D. Yang, W. Wang, Z. Wu*, 2017. Elasticity of superhydrous phase B at the mantle temperatures and pressures: Implications for 800 km discontinuity and water flow into the lower mantle. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 122, 5026–5037.
1. Z. Wu*, W. Wang, 2016. First-principles calculations of elasticity of minerals at high temperature and pressure. Sci. China Earth Sci. 59, 1107–1137.
13. The origins of seismic heterogeneities in the lower mantle: subducted oceanic crust or primordial materials? 2023, 地学青年论坛,武汉.
12. Superionic H-bearing iron alloys in the Earth's inner core, 2022, Multi-messenger Tomography of Earth (MMTE 2022) Workshop.
11. Water in the Earth, 2022, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.
10. Towards the accretion history of Earth's volatile elements: Insight from geochemical evidence, 2022, Tsinghua University.
9. Towards the accretion history of Earth's volatile elements: Insight from sulfur isotopic signature, 2021, Earth and Planetary Laboratory, Carnegie Science Institution.
8. Strong shear softening induced by superionic hydrogen in Earth's inner core, 2021 Goldschmidt Conference, online
7. Water in the Earth, 2021, China University of Geosciences (Beijing).
6. The Origins of Seismic Heterogeneities in the Lower Mantle: Insights from Mineral Physics, 2020 AGU Conference, online.
5. Equilibrium inter-mineral titanium isotope fractionation: Implication for high-temperature titanium isotope geochemistry, 2019 Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
4. Water in the Earth's mantle: Distribution, effect, and origin, 2019, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).
3. Carbon isotopic signatures of diamond formation mediated by iron redox chemistry, 2018 International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices, Beijing, China.
2. Equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation among fluid and minerals, 2018 Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union, Beijing, China.
1. Shear Softening of Earth’s Inner Core Indicated by its High Poisson’s Ratio and Elastic Anisotropy, 15th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), 2018, Hawaii, USA.
担任Nature Geoscience、Nature Communications、Science Advances、Earth and Planetary Science Letters、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Geophysical Review Letters、Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth等国际主流学术期刊审稿人
参加美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation)评审