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近几年以第一作者在《Nature communications》, 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》, 《Global and Planetary Chang》等期刊发表数篇高质量学术论文。


2012-9至2017-12, 中国科学技术大学, 博士

2008-9至2012-6, 兰州大学, 学士


2020-2至现在, 中国科学技术大学, 地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站, 特任副研究员

2017-12至2020-2, 中国科学技术大学, 博士后

2019-9至2020-1, 美国亚利桑那州立大学, 地球和空间探索金沙所有游戏网站, 访问学者

2018-8至2019-1, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校, 化学与生物化学系, 访问学者

2017-8至2017-10, 台湾中央研究院, 环境变迁研究中心, 访问学者

2015-5至2015-11, 美国马里兰大学, 地质系, 访问学者


Hu, D., Li, M., Zhang, X., Wang, X., Farquhar, J., Xu, Y., Sun, L., Shen, Y., 2022. Multiple S-isotope constraints on environmental changes during the Serpukhovian mass extinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 594, 117719.

Hu, D., Zhang, X., Li, M., Xu, Y., Shen, Y., 2021. Carbon isotope (δ13Ccarb) stratigraphy of the Lower-Upper Ordovician of the Yangtze Platform, South China: Implications for global correlation and the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE). Global and Planetary Change 203, 103546.

Li, M., Grasby, S.E., Wang, S.-J., Zhang, X., Wasylenki, L.E., Xu, Y., Sun, M., Beauchamp, B., Hu, D., Shen, Y., 2021. Nickel isotopes link Siberian Traps aerosol particles to the end-Permian mass extinction. Nature Communications 12, 2024.

Hu, D., Li, M., Chen, J., Luo, Q., Grasby, S. E., Zhang, T., Yuan, S., Xu, Y., Finney, S. C., Sun, L., Shen, Y., 2021. Major volcanic eruptions linked to the Late Ordovician mass extinction: Evidence from mercury enrichment and Hg isotopes. Global and Planetary Change 196, 103374.

Hu, D., Li, M., Zhang, X., Turchyn, A. V., Gong, Y., Shen, Y., 2020. Large mass-independent sulphur isotope anomalies link stratospheric volcanism to the Late Ordovician mass extinction. Nature Communications 11, 2297.

Chen, K., Hu, D., Zhang, X., Zhu, H., Sun, L., Li, M., Shen, Y., 2020. Minor Δ33S anomalies coincide with biotic turnover events during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) in South China. Global and Planetary Change184, 103069.

Zhang, X., Zhou, X., Hu, D., 2020. High-resolution paired carbon isotopic records from the Meishucun section in South China: Implications for carbon cycling and environmental changes during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition. Precambrian Research 337, 105561.

Li,D., Zhang,X., Hu,D.,Li,D.,Zhang,G., Zhang,X., Ling,H.,Xu,Y., Shen,Y., 2019. Multiple S-isotopic constraints on paleo-redox and sulfate concentrations across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in South China. Precambrian Research, 105500.

Li,D., Zhang,X., Hu, D.,Chen,X., Huang,W., Zhang,X., Li,M., Qin,L., Peng,S., Shen,Y., 2018. Evidence ofa large δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg depth gradientfor deep-water anoxia during the late Cambrian SPICE event. Geology 46, 631-634.

Zhang, X., Gao, Y., Chen, X., Hu, D., Li, M., Wang, C., Shen, Y., 2018. Nitrogen isotopic composition of sediments from the eastern Tethys during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology  515, 123-133.

Hu, D., Zhang, X., Zhou, L., Finney, S. C., Liu, Y., Shen, D., Shen, M., Huang, W., Shen, Y., 2017. 87Sr/86Sr evidence from the epeiric Martin Ridge Basin for enhanced carbonate weathering during the Hirnantian. Scientific Reports 7, 11348.

Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Hu, D., Li, D., Algeo, T. J., Farquhar, J., Henderson, C. M., Qin, L., Shen, M., Shen, D., Schoepfer, S. D., Chen, K., Shen, Y., 2017. Redox chemistry changes in the Panthalassic Ocean linked to the end-Permian mass extinction and delayed Early Triassic biotic recovery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America114, 1806-1810.

Zhang, X., Chen, K., Hu, D., Sha, J., 2016. Mid-Cretaceous carbon cycle perturbations and Oceanic Anoxic Events recorded in southern Tibet. Scientific Reports 6, 39643.

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