电子信箱: xfchen1@ustc.edu.cn
2008.06 至今 : 中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站,教授,教育部长江学者特聘教授
1996.09 - 2008.05:北京大学 地球与空间科学金沙所有游戏网站,教授,教育部长江学者特聘教授
1992.01 - 1996.08:University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences, Research Associate
中国科金沙所有游戏网站 院士, 2015;
Elected fellow, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG),2015;
(Selected publications in recent years)
1) Xu J.K., Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Chen X.F., (2016). The effects of barriers on supershear rupture, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1002/2016GL069701
2) Ren H.X., Huang Q.H., Chen X.F., (2016). Numerical simulation of seismo-electromagnetic fields associated with a fault in a porous medium, Geophys. J. Int., 206(1), 205–220
3) Sun Y.C., Zhang W., Chen X.F., (2016). Seismic wave modelling in the presence of surface topography in two-dimensional general anisotropic media by a curvilinear grid finite difference method”, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 106(3):1036-1054
4) Zhang ZG., Huang QH., Zhang W., Chen XF., (2016). On the free surface problem in dynamic rupture simulation of a non-planar fault, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 106(3): 1162–1175
5) Zhou L., Zhang W., Shen Y., Chen X.F., Zhang J.,(2016). Location and moment tensor inversion of small earthquakes using 3D Green’s functions in models with rugged topography: application to the Longmenshan fault zone, Earthq. Sci., 29(3): 139-151
6) Wu B., Chen X.F., (2016). Stable, accurate and efficient computation of normal modes for horizontal stratified models, Geophys. J. Int., 206(2), 1281–1300
7) Weng HH., Yang HF., Zhang ZG., Chen XF., (2016). Earthquake rupture extents and coseismic slips promoted by damaged fault zones, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, 121
8) Hu F., Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F., (2016). Investigation of earthquake jump distance for strike-slip step overs based on 3D dynamic rupture simulations in an elastic half-space, J. Geophys. Res.- Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012696.
9) Zhang ZG, Xu JK, Chen X.F., (2016). The supershear effect of topography on rupture dynamics, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 1457-146
10) Gao, YX, Harris JM, Wen J, Huang YH, Twardzik C. , Chen XF, Hu HS, (2016). Modeling of the coseismic electromagnetic fields observed during the 2004 Mw 6.0 Parkfield Earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43,620-627
11) Ren HX, Huang QH, Chen XF, (2016). Existence of evanescent electromagnetic waves resulting from seismoelectric conversion at a solid–porous interface, Geophys J. Int., 204(1):147-166
12) Xu J.K., Zhang H.M., Chen X.F., (2015). Rupture phase diagrams for a planar fault in 3-D full-space and half-space, Geophys. J. Int., 202, 2194-2206
13) Li H, Zhang W., Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F, (2015). Elastic wave finite-difference simulation using discontinuous curvilinear grid with non-uniform time step: two- dimensional case, Geophys. J. Int., 202, 102–118
14) Ren H.X., Chen X.F., Huang Q.H., (2015). Electrokinetic effect combined with surf ace-charge assumption: a possible generation mechanism of co-seismic EM signals, Geophys. J. Int., 200: 837–850
15) Chaljub E,Maufroy E., Moczo P., Kristek J., Hollender F., Bard P-Y, Priolo E.,Klin P., de Martin F., Zhang ZG, Zhang W., Chen X.F, (2015). 3-D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion in sedimentary basins: testing accuracy through stringent models, Geophys. J. Int., 201, 90–111
16) Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Chen X.F., (2014). Complex frequency-shifted multi-axial perfectly matched layer for elastic wave modelling on curvilinear grids, Geophys. J. Int., 198 (1): 140-153
17) Wu Y., Chen X.F., (2014). The scale-dependent slip pattern for a uniform fault model obeying the rate- and state-dependent friction law, J. Geophys. Res., 119: 4890-4906
18) Gao Y.X., Chen X.F., Hu H.S., Wen J., Tang J., Feng G.Q., (2014). Induced electromagnetic field by seismic waves in Earth’s magnetic field, J. Geophys. Res, 119: 5651-5685
19) Hu F., Xu J.K., Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Chen X.F., (2014). Construction of equivalent single planar fault model for strike-slip step-overs, Tectonophysics, 632: 244-249
20) Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Chen X.F., (2014). Three dimensional curved grid finite-difference modelling for non-planar rupture dynamics, Geophys. J. Int., 199(2): 860-879
21) Zhu X.S., Wu R.S., Chen X.F., Gao R., (2014). Numerical Tests on Generalized Diffraction Tomography, Tectonophysics, , 610: 74-90
22) Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Li H., Chen X.F., (2013). Stable discontinuous grid implementation for collocated-grid finite-difference seismic wave modeling, Geophys. J. Int., 192(3), 1179–1188
23) Gao Y.X., Chen X.F., Zhang J., Hu H.S., (2013). Early electromagnetic waves from earthquake rupturing: I. theoretical formulations, Geophys. J. Int., 192(3): 1288-1307
24) Gao Y.X., Chen X.F., Zhang J., Hu H.S., (2013). Early electromagnetic waves from earthquake rupturing: II. validation and numerical experiments, Geophys. J. Int., 192(3): 1308-1323
25) Wen J., Chen X.F., (2013). fmax and fault zone property of Lushan earthquake of 20 April 2013, Sichuan, China, Earthq. Sci., 26(3/4): 179-183
26) Ren H.X., Chen X.F., Huang Q.H., (2012). Numerical simulation of coseismic electromagnetic fields associated with seismic waves due to finite faulting in porous media, Geophys. J. Int., 188(3): 925–944.
27) Wen J., Chen X.F., (2012). Variations in fmax along the ruptured fault during the Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008, Bull Seism Soc Am, 102(3): 991-998
28) Zhang W., Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F., (2012). Three-dimensional Elastic Wave Numerical Modeling in the Presence of Surface Topography by a Collocated-Grid Finite-Difference Method on Curvilinear Grids, Geophys. J. Int., 190: 358-378
29) Zha X.J., Dai Z.Y., Ge L.L., Chen X.F., Fu R.S., (2011). Fault Geometry and Slip Distribution of the 2010 Yushu Earthquakes Inferred from InSAR Measurement, Bull Seism Soc Am, 101(4): 1951–1958
30) Jiang M.M., Zhou S.Y., Sandvol E., Chen X.F., Liang X.F., Chen Y.J.,Fan W.Y.,(2011). 3-D lithospheric structure beneath southern Tibet from Rayleigh-wave tomography with a 2-D seismic array, Geophys. J. Int., 185(2): 593-608
Editor, Geophysical Journal International (2008- )
Associate Editor in-Chief, Earthquake Science (2009-)
《地震学报》副主编(2002- )
第七届国务院学位委员会地球物理学科评议组 召集人(2015- )
教育部地球物理学类教学指导委员会 主任委员(2013- )
中国地球物理学会副理事长(2012- )
中国地震学会副理事长(2011- )