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朱仁斌,博士、教授、博士生导师。2002年博士毕业于中国科技大学地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站,2012-2013年到美国加州大学伯克利分校访问,先后参加了中国第18次南极长城站科学考察、中国第22次南极中山站科学考察、澳大利亚戴维斯站科学考察和中国第5次北极黄河站科学考察。近年来,一直从事极地环境与全球变化、环境微生物学、大气环境化学等的研究工作;系统开展了“南北极苔原碳氮磷循环过程、苔原-大气界面温室气体交换、冻土环境中微生物群落多样性及其对全球变化的响应”研究。已在ES&T、JGR、GRL、EI、Atmos Environ等权威刊物发表学术论文100余篇,其中第一作者SCI论文30余篇;15篇国际SCI论文评为“中国极地科学优秀学术论文”。担任《Scientific Reports》杂志编委、《Advances in Polar Science》客座编辑,曾获“中国科金沙所有游戏网站彭荫刚科技奖一等奖”、“王宽诚育才奖”等,入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才”。


国家重点研发计划“全球变化应对”专项项目,2020YFA0608500, 北极陆地环境变化及其效应研究. 2021.01-2025.12, 在研,参加.


国家自然科学基金面上项目, 41976220,南极苔原羰基硫(COS)源汇的通量特征及其机制. 2020.01-2023.12,在研,主持.







(1) Wenjuan Ye, Linxi Yuan, Renbin Zhu*, Xuebin Yin, Gary Ba?uelos. Selenium volatilization from tundra soils in maritime Antarctica. Environment International, 2021, 146: 106189.

(2) Wanying Zhang, Yi Jiao, Renbin Zhu*, Robert C. Rhew*, Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide Production and Consumption in Coastal Antarctic Tundra Soils Subject to Sea Animal Activities. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(20): 13354-13363.

(3) Haitao Dai, Renbin Zhu*, Bowen Sun, Chenshuai Che, Lijun Hou. Effects of Sea Animal Activities on Tundra Soil Denitrification and nirS- and nirK-Encoding Denitrifier Community in Maritime Antarctica. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11: 573302.

(4) Qin Wang, Renbin Zhu*, Yeling Zheng, Tao Bao, Lijun Hou*. Effects of sea animal colonization on the coupling between dynamics and activity of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in maritime Antarctica. Biogeosciences, 2019, 16: 4113–4128.

(5) Fangfang Li, Renbin Zhu*, Tao Bao, Qing Wang, Hua Xu. Sunlight stimulates methane uptake and nitrous oxide emission from the High Arctic tundra. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 572: 1150–1160.

(6) Renbin Zhu*, Yu Shi, Dawei Ma, Can Wang, Hua Xu, Haiyan Chu*. Bacterial diversity is strongly associated with historical penguin activity in an Antarctic lake sediment profile. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:17231, DOI: 10.1038/srep17231.

(7)Renbin Zhu*,Dawei Ma,Hua Xu. Summertime N2O, CH4and CO2exchanges from a tundra marsh and an upland tundra in maritime Antarctica. Atmospheric Environment,2014,83:269-281

(8) Renbin Zhu*,Tao Bao,Qin Wang,Hua Xu,Yashu Liu. Summertime CO2fluxes and ecosystem respiration from marineanimal colony tundra in maritime Antarctica. Atmospheric Environment,2014,98:190-201.

(9) Renbin Zhu*,Yashu Liu,Hua Xu,Dawei Ma, Shan Jiang. Marine animals significantly increase tundra N2O and CH4emissions in maritime Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences,2013,1184):1773-1792.

(10) Renbin Zhu*,Qingqing Chen,Wei Ding,Hua Xu. Impact of seabird activity on nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from High Arctic tundra in Svalbard, Norway. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2012, 117, G04015, doi:10.1029 /2012JG002130, 2012.

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