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气溶胶浓度起伏对光传输湍流效应影响的实验研究(41775014 2018-2021)  

海风发生初期的动力学特征及机理的模拟研究 (41475012 2015-2018)
下垫面非均匀性对大气边界层湍流输送影响的水槽实验研究 (40975006 2010-2012)
非均匀下垫面大气边界层热力动力效应物理模拟研究 (40575005 2006-2008)
对流边界层中上部夹卷层结构和物理过程的模拟研究 (40105002 2002-2004)

非均匀下垫面大气边界层结构特征及参数化的实验研究 (KZCX2-YW-QN502 2010-2012)

激光束通过海洋湍流传输的实验研究 (2015)
有切变夹卷过程及其参数化研究-水槽实验部分 (2014)
H2O、O3测量激光雷达定标实验 (2013)

国家重点研发计划“大气污染”试点专项项目“我国大气重污染累积与天气气候过程的双向反馈机制研究”(JFYS2016ZY01002213 2016-2018)
基于多源卫星资料的青藏高原云降水及潜热时空变化特征研究(国家自然科学基金重点项目 91337213,2014/01-2017/12)
城市边界层三维结构研究 (国家自然科学基金重点项目,43333027,2004/01-2007/12)



大气探测学(本科生 40学时)








1)       Yuan, R., Zhang, X., Liu, H., Gui, Y.,Shao, B., Tao, X., Wang, Y., Zhong, J., Li, Y., and Gao, Z.: Aerosol verticalmass flux measurements during heavy aerosol pollution episodes at a rural siteand an urban site in the Beijing area of the North China Plain, AtmosphericChemistry and Physics, 19, 12857-12874, 10.5194/acp-19-12857-2019, 2019.

2)       梅杰, 袁仁民, 王显, and 吴徐平: 近地面层湍流大气中光传输到达角起伏实验研究, 大气与环境光学学报, 14, 330-336, 2019..

3)       Shen, L., Sun, J., Yuan, R., 2018. Idealized large-eddy simulation study ofinteraction between urban heat island and sea breeze circulations. AtmosphericResearch 214, 338-347.

4)        Renmin,Y. *, Jie, M., Hao, L., Xuping, W., Jianning, S., andXiaoling, J.: Simulation of the microstructural characteristics of saltwaterturbulence in a water tank, Optics express, 26, A844-A854,10.1364/oe.26.00a844, 2018.

5)       Shi, C., R. Yuan, B. Wu, Y. Meng, H. Zhang, H. Zhang, and Z. Gong (2018),Meteorological conditions conducive to PM2.5 pollution in winter 2016/2017 inthe Western Yangtze River Delta, China, Science of the Total Environment, 642,1221-1232, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.137.

6)       Zou, J., J. Sun, G. Liu, R. Yuan, and H. Zhang (2018), VerticalVariation of the Effects of Atmospheric Stability on Turbulence StatisticsWithin the Roughness Sublayer Over Real Urban Canopy, Journal of GeophysicalResearch-Atmospheres, 123(4), 2017-2036, doi:10.1002/2017jd027041.

7)       Rui Wang, Yunfei Fu, Tao Xian, FengjiaoChen, Renmin Yuan, Rui Li, and Guosheng Liu,(2017)Evaluation of Atmospheric Precipitable Water Characteristics and Trends inMainland China from 1995 to 2012

8)       Liu, H., R. Yuan*, J. Mei, J. Sun, Q. Liu, and Y. Wang (2017), Scaleproperties of anisotropic and isotropic turbulence in the urban surface layer,Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 165(2), 277-294.

9)       Fu, Y., Zhu, J., Yang, Y., Yuan, R., Liu, G., Xian, T., and Liu,P.: Grid-cell aerosol direct shortwave radiative forcing calculated using theSBDART model with MODIS and AERONET observations: An application in winter andsummer in eastern China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 34, 952-964,10.1007/s00376-017-6226-z, 2017.

10)     Fu,Y., Chen, F., Liu, G., Yang, Y., Yuan, R.,Li, R., Liu, Q., Wang, Y., Zhong, L., Sun, L., 2016. Recent Trends of Summer Convectiveand Stratiform Precipitation in Mid-Eastern China. Scientific Reports 6.

11)     QiLiu, WeiDong DingLei XieJinQiang ZhangJun ZhuXiangAo XiaDongYang LiuRenMinYuanYunFei Fu Aerosol properties over an urban site in central East Chinaderived from ground sun-photometer measurements,2016

12)     Shen,L., Sun, J., Yuan, R., Liu, P.,2016. Characteristics of Secondary Circulations in the Convective BoundaryLayer over Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Surfaces. Journal of MeteorologicalResearch 30, 944-960.

13)     Renmin Yuan*, Tao Luo, Jianning Sun, Hao Liu,Yunfei Fu, and Zhien Wang,(2016): A new method for estimating aerosol mass ?uxin the urban surface layer using LAS technology, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9,1925–1937, 2016 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/9/1925/2016/doi:10.5194/amt-9-1925-2016

14)     LuoT, Wang Z, Ferrare RA, Hostetler CA, YuanR, Zhang D (2015) Vertically resolved separation of dust and other aerosoltypes by a new lidar depolarization method Optics Express 23:14095-14107doi:10.1364/oe.23.014095

15)     LuoT, Wang Z, Zhang D, Liu X, Wang Y, YuanR (2015) Global dust distribution from improved thin dust layer detectionusing A-train satellite lidar observations Geophysical Research Letters42:620-628 doi:10.1002/2014gl062111

16)     LuoT, Yuan R, Wang Z, Zhang D (2015)Quantifying the Hygroscopic Growth of Marine Boundary Layer Aerosols bySatellite-Based and Buoy Observations Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences72:1063-1074 doi:10.1175/jas-d-14-0170.1

17)     Yuan R*, Luo T,Sun J, Zeng Z, Ge C, Fu Y (2015) A new method for measuring the imaginary partof the atmospheric refractive index structure parameter in the urban surfacelayer Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15:2521-2531doi:10.5194/acp-15-2521-2015

18)     ZouJ, Liu G, Sun J, Zhang H, Yuan R (2015) The momentum flux-gradient relations derived from field measurements inthe urban roughness sublayer in three cities in China Journal Of GeophysicalResearch-Atmospheres 120 doi:10.1002/2015jd023909

19)     Renmin Yuan*,J. Sun, T. Luo, X. Wu, C. Wang, and C. Lu, 2014: Simulation study on lightpropagation in an isotropic turbulence field of the mixed layer, Optics Express22, 7194-7209 (2014).

20)     R. Yuan*, J.Sun, T. Luo, X. Wu, C. Wang, and Y. Fu, 2014: Simulation study on lightpropagation in an anisotropic turbulence field of entrainment zone, OpticsExpress 22, 13427-13437 (2014).

21)     T.Luo, R. Yuan, and Z. Wang, 2014:Lidar-based remote sensing of atmospheric boundary layer height over land andocean, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7, 173-182 (2014).

22)     T.Luo, R. Yuan, and Z. Wang, 2014:Onfactors controlling marine boundary layer aerosol optical depth, Journal ofGeophysical Research-Atmospheres 119, 3321-3334 (2014).

23)     Z.Heng, Y. Fu, G. Liu, R. Zhou, Y. Wang, R.Yuan, J. Guo, and X. Dong, 2014: A Study of the Distribution andVariability of Cloud Water Using ISCCP, SSM/I Cloud Product, and ReanalysisDatasets, Journal of Climate 27, 3114-3128 (2014).

24)     R. Yuan*, T.Luo, J. Sun, Z. Zeng, and Y. Fu, 2014:A new method for measuring the imaginarypart of refractive index structure parameter in the urban surface layer, Atmos.Chem. Phys. Discuss., 14,21285-21314, (2014).

25)     Yuan Renmin*,SunJianning,Luo Tao,Wu Xuping 2013: Scaling Characteristics of Developing SeaBreezes Simulated in a Water Tank. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 148(3):455-478.

26)     王 琛, 袁仁民*,罗涛,孙鉴泞,蒋维楣,吴晓庆,2013:南京市区及郊区近地层通量观测比较,中国科学技术大学学报,43(2):100-105.

27)     卢超,袁仁民*,罗涛,吴徐平,孙鉴泞,2012:模拟的对流边界层光学湍流的特征尺度分析,光学学报,32(2),17-23。

28)     郭云谦,袁仁民*,罗涛,等.2012. 高风速相干结构对通量输送影响的实验研究.大气科学,36 (4): 733-743。

29)     Renmin Yuan*,Xuping Wu, Tao Luo,HuizhiLiu,JianningSun,2011:Areview of water tank modeling of the convective atmospheric boundary layer,Journalof Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,99,1099-1114。

30)     吴徐平, 袁仁民*, 卢超, 罗涛,2011:CCD位数和光圈大小对采样信号质量影响的研究,量子电子学报,28(6)654-659

31)     Renmin Yuan*,MinseokKang,Sung-BinPark,JinkyuHong,DonghoLee,JoonKim,2011,Expansionof the planar-fit method to estimate flux over complex terrain。Meteorologyand Atmospheric Physics, 110,123 -133。

32)     袁仁民*;吴徐平;罗涛;卢超;安平;孙鉴泞;刘辉志;2010,对流边界层水平温度场特征的水槽模拟研究,中国科学技术大学学报,40(1)8-14。

33)     刘罡;孙鉴泞;蒋维楣;刘红年; 袁仁民; 罗涛;2009:城市大气边界层的综合观测研究——实验介绍与近地层微气象特征分析,中国科学技术大学学报,39(1),23-32.

34)     李煜斌,高志球, 袁仁民, 苗世光, 张兵,2009. 湍流通量参数化方案的非迭代方法研究. 大气科学,33 (4) : 760-770.

35)     袁仁民*,吴徐平,罗涛等,2009,热力非均匀下垫面对流边界层流场结构特征研究,大气与环境光学学报,4(6),421-431

36)     罗涛,袁仁民*,吴徐平,卢超,孙鉴泞,2009:夹卷层大尺度相干结构运动特征的室内模拟研究,大气与环境光学学报,4(6),432-440.

37)     吴徐平,罗涛, 袁仁民*等,2009:非均匀下垫面对流边界层热通量特征的物理模拟研究[J].大气与环境光学学报,2009,4(3)190-200

38)     卢超,罗涛,吴徐平,孙鉴泞,袁仁民*,2009:模拟的对流边界层大气闪烁频谱特征研究,光学学报,29(8),2033-2038

39)     林恒,孙鉴泞,袁仁民. 2008,对流边界层顶部夹卷层厚度特征及其参数化分析.中国科学技术大学学报.38(1),50-56.

40)     罗涛,袁仁民*,吴晓庆,邓淑梅,2008(5)正交小波变换研究复杂下垫面边界层的湍流特征;高原气象,27(6),1195-1204。

41)     罗涛,袁仁民*,吴晓庆,蒋维楣,2008(12)复杂下垫面近地面层湍流特征的研究;南京大学学报(自然科学),44(3),273-279。

42)     LuoTao, Yuan Renmin*, Wu Xuping, DengShumei. 2008. A new parameterization of temperature structure parameterinentraining convective boundary layer. Optics Communications. 281: 5683–5686.(SCI)

43)     李自鑫,孙鉴泞,袁仁民,罗涛,2008:地表非均匀加热条件下边界层湍流特征的实验研究,南京大学学报,44(6),575-582

44)     吴其重; 袁仁民*;罗涛;刘红年;刘罡;2007:城市土壤热扩散率实验研究,大气与环境光学学报,2(4),257-262.

45)     赵三平; 袁仁民; 孙立广;刘晓东;谢周清;刘克新;吴小红;2007:南海珊瑚砂砾屑灰岩磷质胶结物的数字影像分析及其环境意义,海洋地质与第四纪地质,27(1),147-153.

46)     Renmin Yuan*, Min-Seok Kang, Sung-Bin Park, JinkyuHong, Dongho Lee, and Joon Kim,2007,TheEffect of Coordinate Rotation on the Eddy Covariance Flux Estimation in a HillyKoFlux Forest Catchment,KoreanJournal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 9(2),100-108.

47)     KwonH, Park SB, Kang M, Yoo J, Yuan RM andKim J (2007) Quality Control and Assurance of Eddy Covariance Data at the TwoKoFlux Sites. Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 9:260~267.

48)     罗涛,袁仁民*,孙鉴泞:对流边界层夹卷通量参数化的室内模拟研究。大气与环境光学学报。2006,1(3):173-178。

49)     袁仁民*, 罗涛,孙鉴泞.对流边界层顶部光学湍流的室内模拟研究.光学学报.2006, 26(9):1287-1292. (EI)

50)     罗涛,袁仁民*,孙鉴泞:大气边界层各向异性的室内模拟研究。强激光与粒子束,2006(3),18(3),372-376(EI)

51)     罗涛,袁仁民*,孙鉴泞:大气对流边界层发展的模拟研究。高原气象。2006,25(6):1-7

52)     伍大洲;孙鉴泞; 袁仁民; 姚克亚;2006:对流边界层高度预报方案的改进,中国科学技术大学学报,36(10),1111-1116

53)     毛敏娟;蒋维楣;吴晓庆;戚福弟; 袁仁民; 方海涛;刘东;周军;2006. 气象激光雷达的城市边界层探测.环境科学学报,26 (10) : 1723 – 1728。

54)     Yuanrenmin*,Luotao, Study of characteristics of depth of entrainment zone above the mixedlayer in the day time. Chinese Journal of geophysics. 40(1), 23-30, 2005.

55)     袁仁民*,白天混合层顶部夹卷层厚度的特征研究,地球物理学报.48(1).19-24,2005(SCI)。

56)     SunJianning(孙鉴泞), Jiang Weimei(蒋维楣),Chen Ziyun(陈子赟), YuanRenmin(袁仁民)Parameterization for the Depth of theEntrainment Zone above the Convectively Mixed Layer, Advances in AtmosphericSciences.22(1).114-121,2005(SCI)。

57)     SunJianning(孙鉴泞), Jiang Weimei(蒋维楣),Chen Ziyun(陈子赟), YuanRenmin(袁仁民), A loboratory study of the turbulencevelocity characteristics in the convective boundary layer, Advances inAtmospheric Sciences.22(5).770-780,2005(SCI)。

58)     陈子赟,孙鉴泞,袁仁民,蒋维楣,对流槽湍流涡旋结构特征的小波分析,地球物理学报.47(6).964-970,2004(SCI)。

59)     吴 涧,蒋维楣,王卫国,姚克亚, 袁仁民,2004:我国春季大气沙尘气溶胶分布和短波辐射效应的数值模拟,中国科学技术大学学报,34(1), 116-125。

60)     孙鉴泞,蒋维楣,李萍阳,袁仁民,姚克亚,对流边界层顶部夹卷速度参数化的模拟研究,中国科学技术大学学报,2003,33(1),119-124。

61)     袁仁民*,马成胜,范爱媛,2003,混合层顶覆盖逆温层变化规律研究,中国科学技术大学学报,33(3), 247-252。

62)     袁仁民*,曾宗泳,孙鉴泞,2003,对流水槽温度场和速度场的测量,量子电子学报,20(3),380-384。

63)     LiPingyang, Jiang Weimei, Sun Jianning, YuanRenmin, 2003: A Laboratory Modeling of the Velocity Field in the ConvectiveBoundary Layer with the Particle Image Velocimetry Technique, Advances inAtmospheric Sciences,20(4),631-637。(SCI)

64)     袁仁民*,孙鉴泞,姚克亚,曾宗泳,蒋维楣,大气边界层的室内模拟研究——夹卷层温度场结构分析,大气科学,2002,26(6),773-780。

65)     孙鉴泞,袁仁民*,2002,到达角起伏谱测量的影响因素,南京大学学报(自然科学版),38(5),375~380。

66)     吴晓庆,王英俭,曾宗泳,马成胜,袁仁民,2002,近海面气层温度结构常数的模式和测量,气象学报,60(1),96-100。

67)     袁仁民*,曾宗泳,肖黎明,马成胜,翁宁泉,吴晓庆:不同方法测量折射率结构常数的比较。光学学报,2000,20(6),755-761。

68)     袁仁民*,曾宗泳,肖黎明,马成胜:湍流池湍流特征研究。力学学报,2000,32(3),257-263。

69)     袁仁民*,曾宗泳:大尺度相干结构的光学特性研究。光学学报,2001,21(1),19-23。

袁仁民,傅云飞,一种大气气溶胶质量垂直输送通量的测量方法及系统,发明专利,ZL 201510547913.X 2018年1月30日授权。

袁仁民,曾宗泳,傅云飞,一种大气折射率虚部结构常数的测量系统及测量方法,发明专利,ZL 201410396075.6 2016年7月27日授权。



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