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地球早期环境演化; 深时营养元素循环; 生命起源与演化; 冰卫星海水化学与宜居性

郝记华,1991年出生于山东省聊城市莘县。目前任金沙所有游戏网站研究员,博士生导师。于2021年1月回国工作,中科院青年人才项目入选者。主要从事早期地球营养元素循环、生命起源、地外海洋宜居性等研究。近五年在Science、Science Advances等SCI期刊上发表文章29篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Science Advances(2,其中包括一篇已接收)、Nature Geoscience(已接收)、PNAS等期刊上发表14篇。获颁加拿大高等研究院“全球学者奖“等荣誉。主持国家重点研发计划”变革性技术关键科学问题“青年科学家项目及基金委面上项目。

2012年8月-2016年11月 约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU),地球与行星科学系,地球化学,硕士及博士。
2008年8月-2012年七月 中国科学技术大学,地球与空间科学金沙所有游戏网站,环境科学,学士。              






1. Hao, J., Glein, C., Huang, F., Yee, N., Catling, D., Postberg, F., Hillier, J.K.,Hazen, R.M. (2022) Abundant phosphorus for life in the Enceladus ocean. PNAS, 119 (39), e2201388119.

2. Hao, J., Liu, W., Goff, J.L., Steadman, J.A., Large, R.R., Falkowski, P.G., Yee, N. (2022) Anoxic photochemical weathering of pyrite on Archean continents. Science Advances, 8, eabn2226.

3. Hao, J., Knoll, A.H., Fang, H., Schieber, J., Hazen, R.M., Daniel, I. (2020) Cycling of phosphorus on the Archean Earth: Part II. Phosphorus Limitation on Primary Production in Archean Ecosystems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 280, 360-377.

4. Hao, J., Knoll, A.H., Fang, H., Hazen, R.M., Daniel, I. (2020) Cycling of phosphorus on the Archean Earth: Part I. Continental weathering and riverine transport of phosphorus. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 273, 70-84.

5. Hao, J., Sverjensky, D.A., and Hazen, R.M. (2019) Redox states of Archean surficial environments: the importance of H2,g instead of O2,g for weathering reactions. Chemical Geology, 521, 49-58.


1. Hao#, J., Sverjensky, D.A., and Hazen, R.M. (2017) Mobility of nutrients and trace elements during weathering on the Archean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 148-159.

2. Hao#, J., Sverjensky, D.A. and Hazen, R.M. (2017) A model for late Archean chemical weathering and world average river water. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, 191-203.

3. Hao#, J., Mokhtari, M., Pedreira-Segade, U., Michot, L.M., and Daniel#, I. (2019) Transition metals enhance the adsorption of nucleotides onto clay: implications for the origin of life. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3(1), 109-119.

4. Hao#, J., Giovenco, E., Pedreira-Segade, U., Montagnac, G., Daniel, I. (2018) Compatibility of amino acids in ice Ih: implications for the origin of life. Astrobiology, 18, 381-392.(封面文章)

5. Moore*#, E.K., Hao*, J., Spielman, S.J., Yee, N. (2020) The Evolving Redox Chemistry and Bioavailability of Vanadium in Deep Time. Geobiology, 18(2), 127-138. (共同第一作者;Wiley 2020-2021年度高被引论文)

6. Zheng, Z., Wang, X., Jin, J., Hao#, J., Nie, Y., Chen, X., Mou, J., Emslie, S.D., Liu#, X. (2022) Fraction distribution and dynamic cycling of phosphorus in lacustrine sediment at Inexpressible Island, Antarctica. Environment International 164, 107228. (共同通讯作者)

7. Walton, C.R., Ewens, S., Coates, J.D., Blake, R., Planavsky, N.J., Reinhard, C., Ju, P., Hao#, J., Pasek#, M. Phosphorus availability on the early Earth and the impacts of life. Nature Geoscience (共同通讯作者;在刊发)

8. Zhang, Z., Jiang, H., Ju, P., Pan, L., Rouillard, J., Zhou, G., Huang, F., Hao#, J.. Evaluating the abiotic synthesis potential and the stability of building blocks of life beneath an impact-induced steam atmosphere. Frontiers in Microbiology (在刊。煌ㄑ蹲髡).

9. Walton*, C.R., Hao#, J., Huang, F., Jenner, F.E., Williams, H., Zerkle, A.L., Kipp, A., Hazen, R.M., Peters, S.E., Shorttle, O. Evolution of the crustal phosphorus reservoir. Science Advances (已接收;共同通讯作者)



(1)郝记华,霍婉菲,黄方译:《“研”磨计:给青年学者的17条建议》,中国科学技术大学出版社,2022年6月出版(Jeffery J. McDonnell著,《Navigating an Academic Career:A Brief Guide for PhD Students, Post?docs, and New Faculty》,John Wiley & Sons和The American Geophysical Union联合出版,2020年)






(4)2021年4月至2023年3月,加拿大高等研究院,CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar,“Earth4D: Subsurface Science and Exploration”,52万元,主持

参与美国NASA Astrobiology Institute及欧盟Prebiome等国际天体生物学项目。



1. 2021年,中科院青年人才项目入选者;

2. 2021年,安徽省海外高层次人才计划-青年项目入选者;


1. 2021年,加拿大高层研究院,CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar;

2. 2022年,阿里巴巴达摩院,青橙优秀入围奖;

3. 2022年,唐仲英基金会,仲英青年学者



(2)2021年至今,The Innovation期刊,青年编委

(3)2021年至今,Frontiers in Earth Science期刊,审稿人编辑

(4)2022年,23届International Mineralogical Association大会,召集人

(4)2019年至2020年,American Geophysical Union年会,召集人


(6)2019年,International Conference on Clay Science and Technology大会,召集人

(7)常年担任Nature Communications, Geology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geophysical Research Letters, Science Bulletin等期刊审稿人

(8)担任NASA Mars 2020 Participating Scientist Program、European Research Council Synergy Grants等项目评审专家

(9)International Society for the Study of Origin of Life、中国矿物与岩石地球化学学会等学会会员

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