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Dai,F.-Q., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Sun, G.-C., 2019. The geochemical nature ofmantle sources for two types of Cretaceous basaltic rocks from Luxi andJiaodong in east-central China. Lithos 344-345, 409-424.

*Zhao,Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Chen, Y.-X., Sun, G.-C., 2017. Partial melting ofsubducted continental crust: Geochemical evidence from synexhumation granite inthe Sulu orogen. Geological Society of America Bulletin 129, 1692-1707.

*Zhao,Z.-F., Liu, Z.-B., Chen, Q., 2017. Melting of subducted continental crust:Geochemical evidence from Mesozoic granitoids in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt,east-central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 260-277.

Dai,F.-Q., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., 2017. Partial melting of the orogenic lowercrust: Geochemical insights from post-collisional alkaline volcanics in theDabie orogen. Chemical Geology 454, 25-43.

Lu,Y.-H., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., 2017. Geochemical constraints on the natureof magma sources for Triassic granitoids from South Qinling in central China.Lithos 284-285, 30-49.

Dai,F.-Q., *Zhao, Z.-F., Dai, L.-Q., Zheng, Y.-F., 2016. Slab–mantle interaction inthe petrogenesis of andesitic magmas: Geochemical evidence from postcollisionalintermediate volcanic rocks in the Dabie orogen, China. Journal of Petrology57(6), 1109-1134.

Lu,Y.-H., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., 2016. Geochemical constraints on the sourcenature and melting conditions of Triassic granites from South Qinling incentral China. Lithos 264, 141-157.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Gao, P., Zheng, Y.-F., 2015. The source of Mesozoic granitoids in South China: Integrated geochemical constraints from the Taoshan batholith in the Nanling Range. Chemical Geology 395, 11-26.

*ZhaoZF, Dai LQ, Zheng YF. 2015. Two types of the crust-mantle interaction incontinental subduction zones. Science China: Earth Sciences 58 (8), 1269-1283.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Dai, L.-Q., Zheng, Y.-F. 2013. Postcollisional mafic igneous rocks record crust-mantle interaction during continental deep subduction. Scientific Reports 3, 3413; DOI:10.1038/srep03413.

Zhang, J., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Liu, X.M., Xie, L.W., 2012. Zircon Hf-O isotope and whole-rock geochemical constraints on origin of postcollisional mafic to felsic dykes in the Sulu orogen. Lithos, 136-139, 225-245.

Yang, Q.-L., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., 2012. Modification of subcontinental lithospheric mantle above continental subduction zone: Constraints from geochemistry of Mesozoic gabbroic rocks in southeastern North China. Lithos 146-147, 164-182.

Xu, Z., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., 2012. Slab-mantle interaction for thinning of cratonic lithospheric mantle in North China: Geochemical evidence from Cenozoic continental basalts in central Shandong. Lithos 146-147, 202-217.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Zhang, J., Dai, L.-Q., Li, Q., Liu, X., 2012. Syn-exhumation magmatism during continental collision: Evidence from alkaline intrusives of Triassic age in the Sulu orogen. Chemical Geology 328, 70-88.

Dai, L.-Q., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Zhang, J., 2012. The nature of orogenic lithospheric mantle: Geochemical constraints from postcollisional mafic-ultramafic rocks in the Dabie orogen. Chemical Geology 334, 99-121.

Yang, Q.-L., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., 2012. Slab-mantle interaction in continental subduction channel: Geochemical evidence from Mesozoic gabbroic intrusives in southeastern North China. Lithos 155, 442-460.

Dai, L.-Q., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Li, Q.L., Yang, Y.H., Dai, M.N., 2011. Zircon Hf-O isotope evidence for crust-mantle interaction during continental deep subduction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 308 (1-2), 229-244.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Wei, C.-S., Wu, F.-Y., 2011. Origin of postcollisional magmatic rocks in the Dabie orogen: Implications for crust-mantle interaction and crustal architecture. Lithos, 126 (1-2), 99-114.

Wang, Y., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Zhang, J.-J., 2011. Geochemical constraints on the nature of mantle source for Cenozoic continental basalts in east-central China. Lithos, 125 (3-4), 940-955.

Zhang,J., *Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Dai, M., 2010. Postcollisional magmatism: Geochemical constraints onthe petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids in the Sulu orogen, China. Lithos 119,512-536.

*ZhaoZF,Zheng YF., 2009. Remelting of subducted continental lithosphere: Petrogenesisof Mesozoic magmatic rcoks in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Science in China(Series D-Earth Sciences),52(9), 1295-1318.

*Zhao,Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Wei ,C.-S., Chen, F.-K., Liu, X., Wu, F.-Y.,2008. Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf and O isotopes constrain the crustalarchitecture of the ultrahigh-pressure Dabie orogen in China. Chemical Geology253, 222-242.

*Zhao Z.-F., Gao T.-S., 2007. Comment on “Paleozoic ages and excess 40Arin garnets from the Bixiling eclogite inDabieshan,China: Newinsights from 40Ar/39Ar dating by stepwise crushing” byQiu and Wijbrans (2006). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71(24), 6046-6050.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F.,Chen, R.-X., Xia, Q.-X., Wu, Y.-B., 2007. Element mobility in mafic and felsicultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks during continental collision. Geochimica et CosmochimicaActa 71, 5244-5266.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Chen, B., Zheng,Y.-F., Chen, R.-X., Wu, Y.-B., 2007. Mineral oxygen isotope and hydroxyl contentchanges in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite–gneiss contacts from Chinese ContinentalScientific Drilling Project cores. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 25, 165-186.

Zhao, Z.-F. *Zheng, Y.-F.,2007. Diffusioncompensation for argon, hydrogen, lead, and strontium in minerals: Empiricalrelationships to crystal chemistry. American Mineralogist 92, 289-308.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F.,Wei, C.-S., Wu, Y.-B., 2007. Post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen inChina: Zircon UPb age, element and Oisotope evidence for recycling of subducted continental crust. Lithos 93,248-272.

*Zhao, Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Gao, T.-S., Wu, Y.-B., Chen,B., Chen, F.-K., Wu, F.-Y., 2006. Isotopicconstraints on age and duration of fluid-assisted high-pressure eclogite-faciesrecrystallization during exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust inthe Sulu orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 24, 687-702.

*Zhao,Z.-F., Zheng, Y.-F., Wei, C.-S., Wu, Y.-B., Chen, F.K., Jahn, B.-m., 2005. ZirconU-Pb age, element and C-O isotope geochemistry of post-collisionalmafic-ultramafic rocks from the Dabie orogen in east-centralChina. Lithos83, 1-28.

*Zhao, Z.–F., Zheng, Y.–F., Wei,C.-S., Wu, Y.–B., 2004. Zircon isotope evidence for recycling of subductedcontinental crust in post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie terrane in China.Geophysical Research Letters VOL. 31, L22602, doi:10.1029/2004GL021061.

Zhao, Z.–F., *Zheng, Y.–F., Wei,C.-S., Gong, B., 2004. Temporal relationship betweengranite cooling and hydrothermal uranium mineralization at Dalongshan in China: a combined radiometric and oxygen isotopicstudy. Ore Geology Reviews 25, 221-236.

Zhao. Z.-F., *Zheng, Y.-F., 2003. Calculation of oxygenisotope fractionation in magmatic rocks. Chemical Geology193, 59-80.

Zhao,Z.-F., *Zheng, Y.-F., Wei, C.-S., Gong B., 2001. Carbonconcentration and isotope composition of granites from southeastern China. Physicsand Chemistry of Earth 26, 821-833.

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