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主要研究方向为前寒武纪地质学,具体包括华南前寒武地壳的形成和演化,华南新元古代岩浆岩成因与构造背景。研究兴趣包括地球的早期演化历史,陆壳增生模式和再造机制,花岗岩的成因与陆壳的演化,以及地球化学学科内与上述领域相关的其它方面。 矿物微区分析实验室:https://la-icpms.ustc.edu.cn/


主要从事前寒武纪地质学和地球化学研究,在华南前寒武纪大陆地壳的形成和演化,华南新元古代岩浆岩源区性质和构造背景等方面取得多项成果。在Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.、Precambiran Research、Chemical Geology科学通报等国外核心期刊发表论文20篇,其中3篇论文被评为“中国百篇最具影响优秀国际学术论文”。



2002.9-2008.3 理学博士,金沙所有游戏网站,硕博连读

1998.9-2002.6 理学学士,金沙所有游戏网站,本科



2016.7至今 教授,中国科学技术大学

2012.10-2016.6 特任教授,中国科学技术大学;


2008.3-2010.1 中国科学技术大学,博士后;





Aidoo, F., Zhang, Q.-Q., Zhang, S.-B., Nude, P.M., 2022. Identification of UHT Granulites in the Pan-African Dahomeyide Suture Zone in SE Ghana: Implications for Evolution of Collisional Orogens. Journal of Petrology, 63, egac042.

Li, Z.-X., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Wu, S.-T., Li, W.-C., Sun, F.-Y., Liang, T., 2022. Mobilization and fractionation of HFSE and REE by high fluorine fluid of magmatic origin during the alteration of amphibolite. Lithos, 420-421, 106701.

He, Q., Zhang, S.B., Zheng, Y.F., Chen, R.X., 2022. Peritectic minerals record partial melting of the deeply subducted continental crust in the Sulu orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 40, 87-120.

Li, Z.-X., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Hanchar, J.M., Gao, P., Lu, Y.-M., Su, K., Sun, F.-Y., Liang, T., 2021. Crustal thickening and continental formation in the Neoarchean: Geochemical records by granitoids from the Taihua Complex in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 367, 106446.

Sun, F.-Y., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Li, Z.-X., Liang, T., 2021. A missing piece between Laurentia and the North China Craton in Rodinia: Evidence from metasedimentary rocks of the North Qinling Terrane in central China. Precambrian Research, 361, 106246.

Wu, P., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Fu, B., Li, Q.-L., Yang, Y.-H., Hu, Z., Liang, T., 2021. The accretion history of the South China Block at its northwest margin in the Neoproterozoic: Records from the Changba complex in the Mianlue zone. Precambrian Research, 352, 106006.

Wu, P., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Li, Q.-L., Li, Z.-X., Sun, F.-Y., 2020. The occurrence of Neoproterozoic low δ18O igneous rocks in the northwestern margin of the South China Block: Implications for the Rodinia configuration. Precambrian Research, 347, 105841.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Wu, P., He, Q., Rong, W., Fu, B., Yang, Y.-H., Liang, T., 2020. The nature of subduction system in the Neoarchean: Magmatic records from the northern Yangtze Craton, South China. Precambrian Res. 347, 105834.

He, Q., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Xia, Q.-X., Rubatto, D., 2019. Geochemical evidence for hydration and dehydration of crustal rocks during continental rifting. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 12593– 12619. https://doi.org/12510.11029/12019JB018508.

Wu, P., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Fu, B., Liang, T., 2019. Amalgamation of South China into Rodinia during the Grenvillian accretionary orogeny: Geochemical evidence from Early Neoproterozoic igneous rocks in the northern margin of the South China Block. Precambrian Res. 321, 221-243.

Rong, W., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Gao, P., 2018. Mixing of Felsic Magmas in Granite Petrogenesis: Geochemical Records of Zircon and Garnet in Peraluminous Granitoids From South China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, 2738-2769.

He, Q., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., 2018. Evidence for regional metamorphism in a continental rift during the Rodinia breakup. Precambrian Research, 314, 414-427.

Rong, W., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., 2017. Back-reaction of Peritectic Garnet as an Explanation for the Origin of Mafic Enclaves in S-type Granite from the Jiuling Batholith in South China. Journal of Petrology, 58, 569-598.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Zhao, Z.-F., Yuan, H.-L., 2016. The extremely enriched mantle beneath the Yangtze Craton in the Neoproterozoic: Constraints from the Qichun pyroxenite. Precambrian Research, 276, 194-210.

He, Q., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., 2016. High temperature glacial meltwater–rock reaction in the Neoproterozoic: Evidence from zircon in-situ oxygen isotopes in granitic gneiss from the Sulu orogen. Precambrian Research, 284, 1-13.

Zhang, S.-B., He, Q., Zheng, Y.-F., 2015. Geochronological and geochemical evidence for the nature of the Dongling Complex in South China. Precambrian Research, 256(0): 17-30.

Zhang, S.-B., Tang, J., Zheng, Y.-F., 2014. Contrasting Lu–Hf isotopes in zircon from Precambrian metamorphic rocks in the Jiaodong Peninsula: Constraints on the tectonic suture between North China and South China. Precambrian Research, 245(0): 29-50.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., 2013. Formation and evolution of Precambrian continental lithosphere in South China. Gondwana Research, 23(4): 1241-1260.

Zhang, S.-B., Wu, R.-X., Zheng, Y.-F., 2012. Neoproterozoic continental accretion in South China: Geochemical evidence from the Fuchuan ophiolite in the Jiangnan orogen. Precambrian Research, 220–221(0): 45-64.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Zhao, Z.-F., 2010. Temperature effect over garnet effect on uptake of trace elements in zircon of TTG-like rocks. Chemical Geology, 274(1-2): 108-125.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Zhao, Z.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Yuan, H., Wu, F.-Y., 2009. Origin of TTG-like rocks from anatexis of ancient lower crust: Geochemical evidence from Neoproterozoic granitoids in South China. Lithos, 113(3-4): 347-368.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Zhao, Z.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Yuan, H., Wu, F.-Y., 2008. Neoproterozoic anatexis of Archean lithosphere: Geochemical evidence from felsic to mafic intrusions at Xiaofeng in the Yangtze Gorge, South China. Precambrian Research, 163(3-4): 210-238.

Zheng, Y.-F., Wu, R.-X., Wu, Y.-B., Zhang, S.-B., Yuan, H., Wu, F.-Y., 2008. Rift melting of juvenile arc-derived crust: Geochemical evidence from Neoproterozoic volcanic and granitic rocks in the Jiangnan Orogen, South China. Precambrian Research, 163(3-4): 351-383.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Zhao, Z.-F., Gao, S., Wu, F.-Y., 2006a. Zircon isotope evidence for 3.5 Ga continental crust in the Yangtze craton of China. Precambrian Research, 146(1-2): 16-34.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Zhao, Z.-F., Gao, S., Wu, F.-Y., 2006b. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf-O isotope evidence for Paleoproterozoic metamorphic event in South China. Precambrian Research, 151(3-4): 265-288.

Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Zhao, Z.-F., Gao, S., Wu, F.-Y., 2006c. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope evidence for 3.8 Ga crustal remnant and episodic reworking of Archean crust in South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 252(1-2): 56-71.

Zheng, Y.-F., Zhang, S.-B., Zhao, Z.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Li, X., Li, Z., Wu, F.-Y., 2007a. Contrasting zircon Hf and O isotopes in the two episodes of Neoproterozoic granitoids in South China: Implications for growth and reworking of continental crust. Lithos, 96(1-2): 127-150.

Zheng, Y.-F., Zhao, Z.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Zhang, S.-B., Liu, X., Wu, F.-Y., 2006. Zircon U-Pb age, Hf and O isotope constraints on protolith origin of ultrahigh-pressure eclogite and gneiss in the Dabie orogen. Chemical Geology, 231(1-2): 135-158.

Zheng, Y.-F., Zhang, S.-B., 2007. Formation and evolution of precambrian continental crust in South China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(1): 1-12.

Zheng, Y.F., Chen, R.X., Zhang, S.B., Tang, J., Zhao, Z.F., Wu, Y.B., 2007b. Zircon Lu-Hf isotope study of ultrahigh-pressure eclogite and granitic gneiss in the Dabie orogen. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(2): 317-330.

Zheng, Y.F., Wu, Y.B., Zhao, Z.F., Zhang, S.B., Xu, P., Wu, F.Y., 2005. Metamorphic effect on zircon Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotope systems in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite-facies metagranite and metabasite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240(2): 378-400.

Chen, Y.-X., Zheng, Y.-F., Chen, R.-X., Zhang, S.-B., Li, Q., Dai, M., Chen, L., 2011. Metamorphic growth and recrystallization of zircons in extremely 18O-depleted rocks during eclogite-facies metamorphism: Evidence from U–Pb ages, trace elements, and O–Hf isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(17): 4877-4898.

Wu, R.-X., Zheng, Y.-F., Wu, Y.-B., Zhao, Z.-F., Zhang, S.-B., Liu, X., Wu, F.-Y., 2006. Reworking of juvenile crust: Element and isotope evidence from Neoproterozoic granodiorite in South China. Precambrian Research, 146(3-4): 179-212.

Wu, Y., Tang, J., Zhang, S., Zhao, Z., 2007a. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating for two episodes of migmatization in the Dabie orogen. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(13): 1836-1842.

Wu, Y.B., Zheng, Y.F., Zhang, S.B., Zhao, Z.F., Wu, F.Y., Liu, X.M., 2007b. Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions of migmatite from the North Dabie terrane in China: constraints on partial melting. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 25(9): 991-1009.

Zheng, Y., Chen, R., Xu, Z., Zhang, S., 2016. The transport of water in subduction zones. Science China Earth Sciences 59, 651-682.

Zhao, J.-H., Zhang, S.-B., Wang, X.-L., 2018. Neoproterozoic geology and reconstruction of South China. Precambrian Research, 309, 1-5.

Zhang, Q.-Q., Gao, X.-Y., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., 2020. Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the northern Yangtze craton from oceanic subduction through continental collision to continental rifting: Geochronological and geochemical records of metabasites from the Tongbai orogen in central China. Precambrian Research, 350, 105920.

Zhou, K., Chen, Y.-X., Zhang, S.-B., Zheng, Y.-F., 2020. Zircon evidence for the Eoarchean (~3.7?Ga) crustal remnant in the Sulu Orogen, eastern China. Precambrian Reserch, 337, 105529.

Aidoo, F., Nude, P.M., Sun, F.-Y., Liang, T., Zhang, S.-B., 2021. Paleoproterozoic TTG-like metagranites from the Dahomeyide Belt, Ghana: Constraints on the evolution of the Birimian-Eburnean Orogeny. Precambrian Research, 353, 106024.

Huang, C., Wang, H., Yang, J.H., Ramezani, J., Yang, C., Zhang, S.B., Yang, Y.H., Xia, X.P., Feng, L.J., Lin, J., Wang, T.T., Ma, Q., He, H.Y., Xie, L.W., Wu, S.T., 2020. SA01 – A Proposed Zircon Reference Material for Microbeam U‐Pb Age and Hf‐O Isotopic Determination. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44, 103-123.

Luo, T., Li, Q., Ling, X., Li, Y., Yang, C., Wang, H., Xia, X., Zhang, S., Xu, L., Liu, X., Deng, X., Hu, Z., 2021. Jilin zircon – a new natural reference material for microbeam U–Pb geochronology and Hf–O isotopic analysis. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 36, 2216.

张少兵, 郑永飞, 2007. 扬子陆核的生长和再造:锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素研究. 岩石学报, 23(2): 393-402.

郑永飞, 陈仁旭, 张少兵, 唐俊, 赵子福, 吴元保, 2007. 大别山超高压榴辉岩和花岗片麻岩中锆石Lu-Hf同位素研究. 岩石学报 23, 317-330.

张少兵, 郑永飞, 2011. d18O岩浆岩的成因. 岩石学报, 27(2): 520-530.

张少兵, 永飞, 2013. 华南陆块新元古代低d18O岩浆岩的时空分布. 科学通报, 58(23): 2344-2350.

张少兵, 吴鹏, 郑永飞, 2019. 罗迪尼亚超大陆聚合在华南陆块北缘的镁铁质岩浆岩记录. 地球科学 44, 4157-4166.

涂城, 张少兵, 苏克, 梁婷, 2021. 肥东杂岩锆石U-Pb年龄和Lu-Hf同位素:对扬子克拉通统一结晶基底的限制. 地球科学 46, 1630-1643

陈乐, 张少兵, 余金霏, 2022. 金星:认识早期地球的窗口. 地球与行星物理论评 53, 66-84.

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