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刘晓东,男,汉族,湖北荆门人,中国科技大学地球和空间科学金沙所有游戏网站教授,博导。长期从事全球生态环境变化、元素的生物地球化学循环和环境污染等相关的研究和教学工作。2003年博士毕业于金沙所有游戏网站,2013年到2014年到布朗大学做访问学者。参加过四次南极考察、一次北极科学考察和四次西沙群岛野外科学考察,其中1次到西班牙基地、2次到美国麦克默多站开展南极国际合作考察。主持或参加了多项科研项目。2006年获中国科金沙所有游戏网站优秀博士论文(共50篇), 2007年入选新世纪优秀人才支持计划。2006年和2017年两次担任金沙所有游戏网站班主任工作。2008年获得安徽省优秀研究生导师奖,2016年获得王宽诚育才奖,2019年获得华为奖教金,2020年获得中国科大-兴业证券教育奖。2017年担任《QuaternaryInternational》客座编辑(Guest Editor)。在国内外学术期刊上发表了有关生态、环境方面的研究学术论文100余篇,其中第一作者和通信作者SCI论文50余篇。合作的专著有《南极无冰区生态地质学》和《南海岛屿生态地质学》,并作为合作者翻译出版《污染场地处置 — 从理论到实践应用》。              

1.  中国科金沙所有游戏网站B类先导专项子课题,末次冰期以来边缘:秃5杭锹,XDB40010205,2020.1-2024.12,课题骨干, 在研.

2.  国家重点研发计划“全球变化及应对”专项,北极陆地环境污染物的释放和迁移转化,2020YFA0608503,2021.1-2025.12,参加,在研.

3.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,西沙珊瑚岛屿生态环境演化过程中的氮循环研究,41976191,2020.01-2023.12,主持,在研.

4.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,东南极维多利亚地难言岛过去3000年气候环境变化及其对企鹅古生态演化过程的影响, 41776188,2018.01-2021.12,主持,已结题.

5.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,企鹅的生物传输对东南极湖泊生态环境变化的影响,41576183,2016.01-2019.12,主持,已结题.

6.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,南海西沙永乐群岛海鸟古生态变化过程的稳定同位素研究,41376124,2014.01-2017.12,主持,已结题.


1.   Zhangqin Zheng, Yaguang Nie, Xin Chen, JingJin, Xiaodong Liu. Historicalpopulation dynamics of the Adélie penguin in response to atmospheric-oceancirculation patterns at Beaufort Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Global andPlanetary Change, 2022, 216: 103892.

2.   Yaguang Nie, Zhangqin Zheng, Yilin Lu, YutongWei, Lijun Wu, Xiaodong Liu. Ornithogenic soils in the lake margin reveal the most recent Ad′elie penguinrecolonization in Cape Royds, Antarctica. Catena, 2022, 212: 106069.

3.   Zhangqin Zheng, Xueying Wang, Jing Jin, JihuaHao, Yaguang Nie, Xin Chen, Jinhua Mou, Steven D. Emslie, Xiaodong Liu. Fraction distribution and dynamic cycling ofphosphorus in lacustrine sediment at Inexpressible Island, Antarctica.Environment International, 2022, 164: 107228.

4.   Xin Chen, Xiaodong Liu, Hongzeng Jia, Jing Jin, Weidong Kong, Yongsong Huang.Inverse hydrogen isotope fractionation indicates heterotrophic microbialproduction of long-chain n-alkyl lipids in desolate Antarctic ponds. Geobiology,2021, 9:394–404.

5.   Wang Xueying, Liu Xiaodong, Fang Yunting, Jin Jing, Wu Libin, Fu Pingqing, HuangHuihui, Zhang Huijun and Steven D. Emslie. Application of δ15N totrace the impact of penguin guano on terrestrial and aquatic nitrogen cycles inVictoria Land, Ross Sea region, Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment,2020, 709: 134496.

6.   Chen Xin, Wei Yangyang, Nie Yaguang, WangJianjun, Steven D. Emslie, Liu Xiaodong.Carbon isotopes of n-alkanoic acids in Antarctic ornithogenic sediments asindicators of sedimentary lipid sources and paleocological change. Science ofthe Total Environment, 2020, 709: 135926. 

7.   Huang Huihui, Wang Jin, Yao Ruining, BostickBC., Prommer H, Liu Xiaodong, SunJing. Effects of divalent heavy metal cations on the synthesis andcharacteristics of magnetite. Chemical Geology, 2020, 547: 119669.

8.   Chen, X., Liu, X., Wei, Y., Huang, Y. Production of long-chain n-alkyl lipidsby heterotrophic microbes: New evidence from Antarctic lakes. Org. Geochem.,2019, 138: 103909.

9.   Wu LB, LiuXD, Fang YT, Hou SJ, Xu LQ, Wang XY, Fu PQ. Nitrogen cycling in thesoil–plant system along a series of coral islands affected by seabirds in theSouth China Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 627: 166–175.

10.  Wu LB, LiuXD, Xu LQ, Fu PQ, Wang XY, Jin J, Rao ZX, Zhou YL, Li YL. Paleoecology ofseabirds at Nandao, Xisha Islands, South China Sea: sub-fossil evidence forAshmole`s Halo during the Little Ice Age. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 2018, 505: 33–41.

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