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  • Ji M., Gao, X.Y.*, Zheng, YF., Meng, Z.Y.,Gao, P., 2021. Metapelites record two episodes of decompressional metamorphismin the Himalayan orogeny. Lithos 394-395, 106183

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Xia, M., Zhou,S.Y., Wang, S.X., 2021. Principle and geological applicability of the Ramanelastic geothermobarometry for mineral inclusion systems. Acta PetrologicaSinica, 37(4), 0974-0984.

  • Meng,Z.Y., Gao, X.Y.*, Chen, R.X., Zheng,Y.F., Zhang, Q.Q., Ji, M., 2021. Fluid-present and fluid-absent melting ofmuscovite in migmatites in the Himalayan orogeny: Constraints from major andtrace element zoning and phase equilibrium relationships. Lithos, 388-389,106071

  • Wang, L., Gao,X.Y.*, Chen, R.X., Zheng, Y.-F., 2021. Zircon and titanite behaviors duringpartial melting of metabasite in the post-collisional stage: Constraints fromgarnet pyroxenite in the Dabie orogeny, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences205, 104615.

  • ZhangQ-Q, Gao X-Y.*, Zheng Y-F., 2021.Construction of P-T-t paths for eclogite in the Tongbai orogeny by combiningphase equilibria modelling with zircon inclusion composition. Journal ofMetamorphic Geology, DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12598

  • ZhangQ-Q, Gao X-Y.*, Zhang S-B, ZhengY-F., 2020. Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the northern Yangtze cratonfrom oceanic subduction through continental collision to continental rifting:Geochronological and geochemical records of metabasites from the Tongbai orogenin central China. Precambrian Research, 350, 105920.

  • Zhang,Q.Q., Gao, X.Y.*, Chen, R.X., Zheng,Y.F., 2020. Granulites record the tectonic evolution from collisionalthickening extensional thinning of the Tongbai orogen in central China. Journalof Metamorphic Geology, 38, 265-295.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Wang, L., Chen, Y.X., Zheng, Y.F., Chen, R.X., Huang,F., Zhang, Q.Q., Meng, Z.Y., 2019. Geochemical evidence from coesite-bearingjadeite quartzites for large-scale flow of metamorphic fluids in a continentalsubduction channel. Geochimicaet Cosmochimica Act 265, 354-370.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Zhang, Q.Q.,Zheng, Y.F., Chen, Y.X., 2017. Petrological and zircon evidence for the EarlyCretaceous granulite-facites metamorphism in the Dabie orogen, China. Lithos284-285, 11-29.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Chen, Y.X.,Zhang, Q.Q., 2017. Multiphase solid inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphicrocks: A snapshot of anatectic melts during continental collision. Journal ofAsian Earth Sciences 145, 192-204.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Zheng,Y.F., Chen, Y.X., Tang, H.L., Li W.C., 2015. Zircon geochemistry records theaction of metamorphic fluid on the formation of ultrahigh-pressure jadeitequartzite in the Dabie orogen. Chemical Geology, 419, 158-175.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Zheng,Y.F., Xia, X.P., Chen, Y.X., 2014. U-Pb ages and trace elements of metamorphicrutile from ultrahigh-pressure quartzite in the Sulu orogen. Geochimica etCosmochimica Acta, 143, 87-114.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Zheng,Y.F., Chen, Y.X., Hu, Z.C., 2014. Composite carbonate and silicate multiphasesolid inclusions in metamorphic garnet from ultrahigh-pressure eclogite in theDabie orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32, 961-980.

  • Gao, X.Y., Zheng, Y.F., 2013. Geothermometry ofaccessory zircon, titanite and rutile in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocksin the Dabie orogen. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58, 2153-2158.

  • Gao, X.Y., Zheng, Y.F., Chen Yi-Xiang. 2013. Partial melting ofdeeply subducted continental crust: Evidence from multiphase solid inclusion inultrahigh-pressure eclogite from the Dabie orogen. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58, 2203-2208.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Zheng, Y.F., Chen Yi-Xiang. 2013. Trace elementcomposition of continentally subducted slab-derived melt: insight frommultiphase solid inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite in the Dabie orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31, 453-468.

  • Gao, X.Y.*, Zheng, Y.F., ChenY.X., 2012. Dehydration melting ofultrahigh-pressure eclogite in the Dabie orogen: evidence from multiphase solidinclusions in garnet. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 30, 193-212.

  • Gao, X.Y.*,Zheng, Y.F., Chen, Y.X., 2012. Geochemical and U–Pb age constraints on theoccurrence of polygenetic titanites in UHP metagranite in the Dabie orogen. Lithos136-139, 93-108.

  • Gao, X.Y.*,Zheng, Y.F., Chen, Y.X.,2011. U-Pb ages and trace elements in metamorphic zircon and titanite from UHPeclogite in the Dabie orogen: constraints on P-T-t path. Journal of MetamorphicGeology 29, 721-740.

  • Gao Xiao-Ying*, Li Shu-Ning, Zheng Yong-Fei. 2011.On the study multiphase solid inclusions in UHP metamorphic minerals. Acta Pertrologica Sinaca 27(2): 469-489.

  • Gao Xiao-Ying* and Zheng Yong-Fei. 2011. On theZr-in-rutile and Ti-in-zircon geothermometers. ActaPertrologica Sinica 27(2): 417-432.

  • Gao Xiaoying, Posukhova T.V., 2010. Chromiumspinels in north chinese kimberlites, Huabei Platform. MoscowUniversity Geology Bulletin 4, 234-243. (in Russian).

  • Gao Xiao-Ying, Chen, Meihua. 2007. Garnets from diamond deposits in China and in theArkhangelsk diamondiferous province (Russia). MoscowUniversity Geology Bulletin 5, 47-51 (in Russian).

  • Zheng,Y.-F., Gao, X.Y., Chen, R.-X., Gao,T.-S., 2011. Zr-in-rutilethermometry of eclogite in the Dabie orogen: Constraints on rutile growthduring continental subductiong-zone metamorphism. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences 40, 427-451.

  • ZhengYong-Fei, Xia Qiong-Xia, Chen Ren-Xu, GaoXiao-Ying. 2011. Partial melting, fluid supercriticality and elementmobility in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks during continental collision. Earth-Science Reviews 107, 342–374.

  • Chen, Y.-X., Zheng, Y.-F., Gao, X.Y., Hu, Z.C., 2014. Multiphasesolid inclusions in zoisite-bearing eclogite: evidence for partial melting ofultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks during continental collision. Lithos 200-201, 1-21.

  • Xia, Q.X., Wang, H.Z., Zhou, L.G., Gao, X.Y., Zheng, Y.F. et al., 2016. Growth of metamorphic and peritecticgarnets in ultrahigh-pressure metagranite during continental subduction andexhumation in the Dabie oroge. Lithos 266-267, 158-181.

  • Chen, Y.X., Zhou, K., Zheng, Y.F., Gao, X.Y., Yang, Y., 2016. Polygenetictitanite records the composition of metamorphic fluids during the exhumation ofultrahigh-pressure metagranite in the Sulu orogen. Jouranl of Metamorphic Geology 34(6),573-594.

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